JGC Japan have invested in IONATE through CVC fund, a startup …
2025年2月6日 · JGC Holdings Corporation (Masayuki Sato CEO) and JGC Corporation (Yasuharu Yamaguchi CEO) announced the decision to invest in IONATE Limited (IONATE, Headquarters: London, UK) through the corporate venture capital (CVC) fund "JGC MIRAI Innovation Fund". IONATE develops and licenses innovative transformers.
一文读懂等温滴定量热法(ITC) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
等温滴定量热法 (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, 简称ITC)是近年来发展起来的一种研究生物热力学与生物动力学的重要方法,它通过高灵敏度、高自动化的微量量热仪连续、准确地监测和记录一个变化过程的量热曲线,原位、在线和无损伤地同时提供热力学和动力学信息。 ITC原理. ITC仪器包含参比池和样品池,其中参比池中加入稀释溶液作为对照,彼此通过绝热装置隔开。 在恒温条件下,注射器中的药物溶液滴定到含有目的蛋白的样品池中,两种物质相互作用,释放或吸收的 …
Home | International Youth Tobacco Control Youth Nonprofit …
2024年10月25日 · International Youth Tobacco Control (IYTC) is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit composed of over 200 middle, high school, and college students in Canada, China, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and the United States working to prevent teenage tobacco use globally.
About - IYTC
International Youth Tobacco Control (IYTC) is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit composed of over 200 middle, high school, and college students in Canada, China, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and the United States working to prevent teenage tobacco use globally.
Σεμινάριο ITC Πιστοποίησης Θερμογραφίας - Μάϊος 2025
Το σεμινάριο θα σας διδάξει όλες τις βασικές γνώσεις θερμογραφίας που απαιτούνται για να εκτελείτε τις θερμογραφήσεις σας. Επίσης, θα διδαχθείτε πως να χρησιμοποιείτε τη θερμική σας κάμερα κάτω από διαφορετικές συνθήκες στο πεδίο αλλά και πως να αξιολογείτε σωστά τις μετρήσεις σας και να εξάγετε τα σωστά συμπεράσματα.
jgc-6fc磁离直流固体继电器 技术特性 电气参数(ta=25℃) 3~7 输入电压 10~32 额定输出电流(a) 5 输入电流(ma) ≤20 输出漏电流(μa) 10 ≤ 3~7 ≤3 接通电压(vdc) 10~32 ≤10 额定输出电压 (vdc) 50 3~7 ≥1 关断电压 (vdc) 10~32 ≥2.5 输出电压降 (vdc) ≤0.15 3~7 7 输 入 参 数 ...
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ITC Thermography Certification Seminar - November 2024 - jgc.gr
JGC supplies advanced positioning solutions in the geospatial industry – maximising productivity and over-all profitability, by introducing the latest technologies and revolutionising existing workflows and processes
Công ty cổ phần tư vấn chuyển giao công nghệ ITC (ITC JSC), thành lập vào ngày 27 tháng 6 năm 1995, được biết đến là nhà tích hợp hệ thống hàng đầu tại Việt Nam với gần 30 năm nỗ lực và phát triển.
Home - ITC JSC
Founded on June 27, 1995, ITC Innovated Technology for Communication Joint Stock Company (ITC JSC) has affirmed its place as a leading System Integrator in Vietnam with almost 30 …