IUGR - May 2025 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
2025年2月23日 · I’m a first time mom at 28 weeks and baby was diagnosed with IUGR this week. ... Also- it seems most ...
IUGR/SGA babies | Forums | What to Expect
IUGR babies are babies who were growth restricted in the womb and are born weighing in the 10th percentile or under. This group is for other small baby's mamas to find others who are dealing with the same weight gain issues, and any other issues that is brought up by having a small baby! Also, those mothers who are still pregnant and …
IUGR always means induction? - May 2025 Babies - What to Expect
2025年3月10日 · Started with the foley balloon and then pitocin. Unfortunately labour failed to progress and my baby’s heart rate was showing issues so we went with a c-section. One of the nurses told me that IUGR babies don’t always tolerate pitocin very well so in their experience inductions often fail to progress without posing harm to the baby.
IUGR Mamas Role Call + Check Ins - March 2025 Babies | Forums
2025年3月10日 · How are my fellow mamas doing with your IUGR babies? Have any of you delivered already this month? I just got scheduled for my 38-week induction —- feeling nervous but optimistic that all will be ok. Sending positive thoughts for all of you in this same boat. Feels so stressful and beyond my control as a FTM.
IUGR/ hole in heart/ 2x a week cord checks - June 2025 Babies
2025年2月26日 · Long story short, she didn’t diagnose the IUGR in utero, and I had a spontaneous labour start at 38 weeks. When we arrived at the birthing center they sent us to the hospital in an ambulance right away and my son was born via cesarean section about 20 minutes after we arrived.
Asymmetrical IUGR - IUGR/SGA babies | Forums | What to Expect
2021年3月17日 · We found out around 31/32 weeks that he was only measuring about 3 pounds 4oz. I was terrified - my OB was amazing. She informed me she never let her iugr babies go to 40 weeks - they grow better on the outside than they do on the inside. She wanted to get me to term (37 weeks) as long as blood flow was okay within baby.
IUGR - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
2024年2月26日 · Anyone else have an IUGR baby. I just found out today. And I would like to know what you’re experiencing and plan up until birth. I’m 34 weeks. And I was going to a growth scan because I have GD. I found out my baby is in the 5th percentile. I have to go to NST 2 times a week, a Doppler once a week,...
percentiles dropping. iugr? - May 2025 Babies - What to Expect
2025年3月7日 · curious on what percentiles your babies with iugr were? mine was 40% at 20 weeks, 19% at 23 weeks, and currently have another growth scan coming up soon for a 32 week measure
Anyone diagnosed with IUGR at 34 weeks?? - April 2024 Babies
2024年3月8日 · At my latest scan he was measuring 55% so not iugr. But both can be seen as a potential need to be induced. I would recommend having them check again if baby is still measuring at 30% to see if it continues dropping. IUGR babies can have a tougher time tolerating induction. Mine definitely did and I had to have an emergency c-section.
IUGR in multiple pregnancies? - IUGR/SGA babies - What to Expect
2025年3月6日 · yep! First was IUGR and born 5 lb 15 oz. Second wasn’t and was born 7 lb 10 oz. First is still skinny but tall as a toddler…but my second is a giant. 100th percentile on height and 75th on weight at a year ☺️