We own and operate the physically, bi-directional gas pipeline between the UK and Belgium, providing 20 bcm/yr of UK export capacity and 25.5 bcm/year of UK import capacity. Our operation is located over three sites - commercially in London, and physically from gas terminals at Bacton in the UK, and Zeebrugge in Belgium.
Interconnector Infrastructure
Bacton is home to some of the largest gas reception terminals in the UK, national transmission system operated by National Grid Gas and the UK continental shelf production, whilst Zeebrugge is directly connected to the Fluxys Belgium gas transmission system, providing Interconnector's customers with access to the extensive European gas network.
IUK’s pipeline is connected to the transmission system operated by National Grid Gas at Bacton and to the transmission system operated by Fluxys at Zeebrugge. This paper details the technical capacity of the relevant entry and exit points, being the maximum firm capacity that IUK can offer to
technical capacity requirement applies equally to NTS exit from Bacton to IUK. In considering how to split Bacton capacity that is already sold, we believe that it is important to ensure that...
We note, in any case, that at the Bacton IUK Exit Interconnection Point (IP), competing auctions would not be relevant given that NG and IUK fully maximise and match technical capacity on either side of the
Capacity for European connections - National Gas
There are currently three interconnectors that allow gas to be exported to or imported from continental Europe, and exported to Northern Ireland and Ireland. They are: IUK – from Bacton in England to Zeebrugge in Belgium. BBL – from Bacton in England to Balgzand in the Netherlands. Moffat – from Scotland to the Republic of Ireland.
Compression facilities were installed at the Bacton terminal to raise the pressure of gas taken from the UK grid for transportation via the sub-sea line to Zeebrugge. In addition to the UK National Transmission System (NTS) connection, gas can be delivered directly from the Shearwater and Elgin fields in the central North Sea.
Interconnector UK (IUK), which flows gas in both directions between Bacton and Belgium; BBL, which currently flows gas from the Netherlands to Bacton; Interconnector 1 and Interconnector 2...
We do not consider current arrangements on exit at Bacton as sufficiently competitive. At present, NGG is obliged to offer 651.68 GWh/day (~60 mcm/day) of Licence Baseline Exit Capacity at...
UK-Continent Gas Interconnector Report | Wood Mackenzie
2024年1月26日 · The UK-Continent Gas Interconnector is a bi-directional pipeline between the UK Bacton terminal and the Zeebrugge terminal in Belgium, linking the European and UK gas markets. The line started operating on 1 October 1998. It is owned and operated by Interconnector UK (IUK), a part of the Fluxys Group and SNAM.