Бишкек, ул. Л. Толстого, 17А/1. МЫ СОЗДАЕМ НОВОЕ БУДУЩЕЕ! Оказание высоко специализированных, амбулаторных, стационарных, медицинских услуг населению …
Academic Consortium International University of Kyrgyzstan - iuk.kg
The Academic Consortium "International University of Kyrgyzstan" is a university with international status, acting as an intellectual center of Kyrgyzstan, generating new knowledge, introducing …
Home - Central Campus IUK
2021年12月10日 · Friendship and safetyInternational University of Kyrgyzstan InternationalityInternational University of Kyrgyzstan Comfortable environmentInternational …
OUR MISSION - iuk.kg
I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the International University of Kyrgyzstan. The history of our university is characterized by consistent strategic growth. Over 30 years of …
Ведущий государственный вуз страны, имеющий богатый опыт и традиции, предоставляющий качественные образовательные услуги международного уровня. Я …
About the university - Central Campus IUK
2021年12月10日 · The International University of Kyrgyzstan, with the status of an international higher educational institution, was established by Decree № DP-74 signed by the President of …
iuk.kg - Дружба и безопасность
Открыт набор на магистратуру в Китай! Адрес: ул. Льва Толстого 17а/1. г. Бишкек, Кыргызстан. "Международный Университет Кыргызстана". Учебно-научно …
Friendship and safety - east.iuk.kg
Friendship and safetyInternational University of Kyrgyzstan InternationalityInternational University of Kyrgyzstan Comfortable environmentInternational University of ...
IUK | Home
lInternational University of Kuwait (IUK) is one of Kuwait's leading institutions of higher learning. IUK offers accredited degree programs and world class professional development opportunities.
Administration of the Academic Consortium “IUK”
TeamAC "International University of Kyrgyzstan" Aidaraliev Arsen Asylbekovich President of AC "IUK", D.Sc. (Medicine), Ph.D. (Law), Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS KR …