Academic Consortium International University of Kyrgyzstan
Tokmok campus of the "IUK" International School of Medicine was opened. IUKR received the BBB level and entered the fourth hundred of the world's leading universities in the ARWUES ranking. MIDE (Multimedia Institute of Distance Education) digital campus was founded.
International School of Medicine - iuk.kg
Comfortable learning conditions have been created for ISM in the IUK buildings, where specialized classrooms are taken into account. By the IUK University Clinic, students have access to the examination of patients and the opportunity to work with them.
Administration of the Academic Consortium “IUK”
TeamAC "International University of Kyrgyzstan" Aidaraliev Arsen Asylbekovich President of AC "IUK", D.Sc. (Medicine), Ph.D. (Law), Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS KR SavchenkoElenaYurievna Rector of ESPC "IUK", Ph.D. (Engineering), Professor AdievaAinuraAbdujalalovna Rector of IUKR, D.Sc (Economics), Professor Akhunbaev Stalbek Mederovich Rector of IHSM, Ph.D. (Medicine), Professor ...
Академический Консорциум Международный Университет …
Международный университет Кыргызской Республики со статусом международного вышего учебного заведения создан Указом Президента Кыргызской Республики 11 марта 1993 г. Открыты региональные подразделения МУКР в городах Ош, Джалал-Абад, и Каракол. УНПК "МУК" трансформирован в Академический Консорциум "МУК". Открыт Иссык-Кульский Кампус МВШМ.
International university of kyrgyzstan - Tokmok Campus
International University Of Kyrgyzstan (Tokmok Campus) is glad to inform that the beginning of the educational process of our 2nd 3rd and 5th Semester will start from 1st Of September. Our whole Educational System will be operational in Offline Mode In Our campus.
Student Council ISM IUK Tokmok Campus (@ism_iuk_tc)
1,120 Followers, 11 Following, 181 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Student Council ISM IUK Tokmok Campus (@ism_iuk_tc)
Home - Central Campus IUK
2021年12月10日 · Friendship and safetyInternational University of Kyrgyzstan InternationalityInternational University of Kyrgyzstan Comfortable environmentInternational University of ...
Student Council ISM IUK Tokmok (@ism_iuk_tc) | TikTok
Student Council ISM IUK Tokmok (@ism_iuk_tc) on TikTok | 39 Likes. 21 Followers. Aim To Provide A Universal Platform For Students Emerging As Global Leaders!Watch the latest video from Student Council ISM IUK Tokmok (@ism_iuk_tc).
ISM IUK Tokmok campus (@iuk_ism_tokmok) - Instagram
156 Followers, 10 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ISM IUK Tokmok campus (@iuk_ism_tokmok)
Eastern Medical Campus - International School of Medicine - iuk.kg
2021年10月10日 · The medical faculty of the university (International School of Medicine), operating since 2003, has accumulated significant experience in the development of medical education and science, based on the traditions of academic medicine of the Soviet school and new technologies of teaching and research.