The Independent United Order of Mechanics (IUOM) was founded in 1757 in Lancashire, England. It was lawfully registered as a Friendly Society in 1878 after the enactment of Friendly Societies Act 1875 by the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
Independent United Order of Mechanics - IUOM
Order of Mechanics, Friendly Society archive photos of Mechanic Lodges and Chapters.
Home [www.iuomwh1.org]
Welcome to the Website of The Independent United Order of Mechanics. “The Order” was established in Lancashire, England in 1757 and received its authority by Act of the British Parliament.
Independent United Order of Mechanics, Friendly Society - iuom.org
The Independent United Order of Mechanics (IUOM) was founded in 1757 in Lancashire, England. It was lawfully registered as a Friendly Society in 1878.
Who We Are - iuomwh1.org
The Independent United Order of Mechanics, Friendly Society, Western Hemisphere, Inc., is a well ordered, properly regulated and astutely governed society of Lodges and Chapters formed for the mutual upliftment of its members.
Grand Council, by its Supreme Authority has mandated the IUOM Historical Archive and Documentation Division (HADD) in its autonomous powers, to chronologically record the history of the Independent United
The IUOM New England District Grand Lodge is located in the beautiful and historic fraternal city of Hartford, Connecticut. Our address is 3363 Main St Hartford CT 06120.
Our aim is to practice and promote just philanthropy, charity and benevolence and that through our example; society at large will know the true meaning of fidelity, benevolence and truth. The …
College of Past Grand Masters - iuomwh1.org
The empowerment and establishment of the College of Past Grand Master was inaugurated September 1994, as a Tutorial Branch of the Order. Its primary responsibility is to function as an educational, research and training sector in the Arts and Sciences of Mechanism.
Mechanics Order holds successful 27th Triennial International ...
2023年11月13日 · The Grand Council of the Independent United Order of Mechanics (IUOM), Friendly Society of North, Central & South America, Islands of the Seas and the Entire Western successfully held its 27th Triennial International Convention at its world headquarters on Putnam Avenue in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn.