Jus gentium - Wikipedia
Ius gentium is occupation, construction, fortification, wars, captivity, the right of regaining citizenship after captivity, slavery, treaties, peace, armistice, the inviolability of ambassadors, the prohibition of mixed marriages; and it is the ius gentium because nearly every nation uses it.
吴彦丨 “自然法与万民法”抑或“自然法与国际法”? ——“ius gentium…
盖尤斯(Gaius)认为, ius gentium [万民法]就是ius naturale [自然法],万民法就是自然注入到所有民族中去的法,所以仅只存在两种法,一是市民法,另一是自然法。 [3]而乌尔比安(Ulpian)则认为,存在着三种法,一是市民法、二是自然法、三是万民法,因为诸如奴隶制这样的东西尽管是违背自然法的,但却符合于万民法。 [4]在之后的优士丁尼《法学阶梯》中,这两种观念被混杂在一起,看起来似乎并无什么冲突。 [5]“这种状态在哈德良时代(tha age of Hadrian)以及之前一 …
万民法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
万民法 (拉丁語: ius gentium)是 古罗马 法律体系 和受其影响的西方法律传统中的一个国际法概念,万民法并非 成文法 或 法典,而是被认为“依照合理的国际行为标准”而由“万民”普遍遵循的 习惯法, [1] 与“ 市民法 ”概念相对。 在 罗马帝国 皈依 基督教 后, 教会法 也成为欧洲万民法的一部分。 至16世纪,随着欧洲各国开始形成各种的法典,教宗的权力下降,殖民主义在西方以外建立国家,欧洲人所共同具有的万民法概念趋于分崩离析。 [2] ^ David J. Bederman, International …
Jus gentium | International, Customary & Maritime | Britannica
Jus gentium, (Latin: “law of nations”), in legal theory, that law which natural reason establishes for all men, as distinguished from jus civile, or the civil law peculiar to one state or people. Roman lawyers and magistrates originally devised jus gentium as a system of equity applying to cases
Ius gentium - Wikipedia
Nel diritto romano, lo ius gentium è l'insieme di regole che ha la sua fonte nella naturalis ratio e che viene osservato in eguale misura tra tutti i popoli. Esso si contrappone concettualmente allo ius civile quale diritto proprio di ciascuna civitas .
ius gentium是什么意思?是“万民法”吗? - 律言法律翻译
jus gentium 〈拉〉(罗马法)万民法 基于平等、正义的自然理性的、适用于所有民族的法律,有时也指调整国与国之间关系的法律。 它调整的是异邦人相互之间以及罗马人与异邦人之间的关系,所以万民法适用范围比现在的国际法〔international law〕广得多。
II. THE LAW OF NATIONS (IUS GENTIUM) The law of nations is often used as a synonym for international law. But it once had a broader meaning, comprising something like the common law of mankind, not just on issues between sovereigns but on legal issues generally - on contract, property, crime, and tort. It was
Ius gentium | Oxford Classical Dictionary - Oxford Research …
Ius gentium, or law of nations, has three main senses. (1) In a ‘practical’ sense it denotes that part of Roman private law which was open to citizens and non-citizens alike.
Ius gentium - Oxford Reference
Ius gentiumyūs gān´tē‐ūm . jus jen´tē‐um . n. “Law of peoples.” (1) In Roman law, ius gentium was originally the law applicable to persons lacking Roman citizenship, but, in Imperial Rome, its scope expanded to denote natural law rules supposedly applicable to all persons of any nationality, including Roman citizens. ... ...
一个国家为其国民所颁布的的律法,仅适用于其本身,故而称之为公民法(Ius Civilie);而由自然所制定的法则无差别地适用于全体民族,因此称之为万民法(Ius Gentium)。