新说文解字(三):法| ius|lex|νόμος|תּוֹרָה
2019年12月8日 · 一、拉丁文 ius与lex. 1. 按照罗马法学家乌尔比安的解释,意指“法”的ius源自意指“正义”的iustitia。与ius相关的派生词包括just,justice。 2. 按照伊西多尔的解释,意指“法律” …
Ius - Wikipedia
The ius, also known as ius consumendi, builds on the Roman ius utendi, asserting that not only does a possessor have the right to use his property as he sees fit, but also to consume it. This …
Difference between ius and lex - Latin D
2010年12月14日 · Looking at a Latin dictionary, both "ius" and "lex" seem to refer to about the same things. From usage during the Roman republic, I know that lex refers to a law enacted at …
lex在拉丁文中是什么意思? - 知乎
它区别于ius,后者指的是带有天然正义意味的法律,带有褒义。 如果细细探究,ius更接近汉语(或者说文言文)的“法”,而lex更适合翻译成“律”。 围绕这个词有很多著名的拉丁语法谚,仅 …
Translating "law" to other European languages - Wikipedia
Lex is law made by a political authority, such as a parliament or a government. In modern societies, leges are usually written, though this is not a necessary feature. Lex is often used in …
莱利乌斯所讲的“真正的法”不同于通俗意义上的法的定义——即人所制定的各项成文法规,用来处理具体事务(如市民法[ius civile]、宗教法和地方性法规)。
2019年9月30日 · (1)《十二表法》内(第5表第3条和第6表第1条)以ius一词指称私法裁决的地方( 例如in ius vocat,in ius ducito,in iure vindicit) ; 十二表法早就已经消失,但是学说 …
What Is the Meaning of Ius in Legal Terms? - LegalClarity
2025年1月22日 · “Ius” and “lex naturalis” (natural law) both address principles of justice but differ in origin and application. “Ius” is rooted in human legal systems, representing rights and …
IUS ET IUSTITIA 第一章 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ius,一个眼看就要烂大街的 拉丁文 词,意为“法”; 不要把它和下面的“LEX”相混淆,意为“律”。 如果说 “IUS”属于眼看烂大街,那下边这个词基本上无论认不认识拉丁文都一定听说过:
Law: Lex vs. Ius - Academia.edu
By distinguishing between law (lex) and justice (ius) we are able to focus on different aspects of both command and right. Thus, unlike Kelsen,54 I see the fundamental element of law not as …