Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov - Metal Gear Wiki
Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov (Russian: Иван Райденович Райков) was a GRU major, second in command to Colonel Volgin at Groznyj Grad, Tselinoyarsk. Raikov was born sometime during …
Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov (Russian: Иван Райденович Райков) is a minor antagonist in the 2004 video game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater as well in its upcoming remake and a minor …
Is there any specific reason Raikov looks like Raiden
2021年11月4日 · raikov was a joke included in mgs3 in order to mock/tease all the raiden haters that came with the release of mgs2, so yeah, it's kind of like a "fuck you" Also his full name is …
Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov (Character) - Giant Bomb
Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov is an antagonist in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. He primarily appears in the story as Colonel Volgin's homosexual lover, whom Naked Snake must …
What is Raikov's relationship with Raiden? - Metal Gear Solid 3: …
His full name is Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov. Raidenovitch is Russian for "Son of Raiden". Ivan is also the Russian equivalent of John aka Jack. So far, looking at it overall, I'd say he's just...
潛龍諜影3 食蛇者 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
合金装备3 生存》 (日语: メタルギアソリッド3 サブシスタンス ,英语: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence ,中国大陆译作“合金装备3 生存”,香港和台湾译作“潛龍諜影3 生存戰”) 是《合 …
潜龙谍影3:食蛇者 - 百度百科
《潜龙谍影3:食蛇者》(英文:Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater、日文:メタルギアソリッド3:スネークイーター)是日本科乐美(KONAMI)公司在PlayStation 2平台发售的战术类动 …
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004) - MobyGames
2004年12月4日 · Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov is a mysterious character in MGS3. He speaks no lines during the game, but behind the scenes he has a whole background of history that …
[MGS3] How do I get Ivans uniform? : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
2020年12月11日 · I found Ivan in a library on the 2nd floor of east wing and shot him dead. How do I get his uniform? You have to drag him to the second story lockers. Thats sadly not going …
MGS3全名词解释以及登场人物官方资料!人物介绍很详细,精 …
2004年11月26日 · 在mgs3的结尾,他被授予“the boss”称号,并且在未来的游戏时代中他充当”the big boss”角色.他,拥有比拥有一切力量的人更加顽强的战斗作风。 是一个固执但高度独立的英 …