<kuid2:403746:10016:2> KWVR Ivatt 2MT 41241 - kuid base
2025年3月14日 · The Ivatt 2MT was a class of light mixed traffic locomotives produced between 1946 and 1953. This reskin into KWVR livery by edh6 based on original asset by LNERLover5. Credit to Paul Hobbs, LieLestoSbrat, Bloodnok, trw1089, Trainboi1, Skipper1945 and Eldavo for their contributions, without which this locomotive would not have been completed.
M2 – www.firstwatt.com
The First Watt M2 is a two channel audio power amplifier delivering 25 watts per channel. It uses JFET and MOSFET transistors operating in Class A mode without negative feedback so as to produce a more musically life-like sound.
6moons audio reviews: FirstWatt M2
In the FirstWatt catalogue, the M2 follows the J2, with M for Mosfet, J for JFet. It's the only second amplifier in the range to sell through dealers and distributors.
簡約之美樂無窮-試聽First Wat M2後級擴大機 - U-Audio
有管機的味道 同一張唱片,用Audionet Pre1與M2驅動三對喇叭,表現出三種音樂風情,但共同之處是鮮活的音樂色彩與純度很高的音質,M2確實有些真空管機的味道,這種真空管味表現在大提琴上面最是明顯。
Review: First Watt M2 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2014年8月4日 · The M2's upper frequencies are fatigue-free and easy to listen to for hours. The midrange is dead on great: I listen to a lot of small ensemble pieces and solo piano (Bach flute sonatas, Hayden and Beethoven piano sonatas, a lot of French wind music, and a lot of lute), and the M2 brings them all to life.
2-6-2T Class 2MT Ivatt LMS Profile and Models - Hattons Model …
The London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) Ivatt Class 2 2-6-2T is a class of light 'mixed-traffic' steam locomotive introduced in 1946. The LMS had various elderly tank engines and the operating department required a new small class 2 locomotive to replace them.
评First Watt M2 后级功放 最美的第一瓦 - 音响贵族网 …
2011年5月8日 · First Watt M2每声道输出功率25瓦,它使用JFET和MOSFET晶体管以纯A类模式对信号进行放大,并且不使用负反馈,以取得更加自然的声音。 Nelson说JFET的失真小,他很喜欢失真小的元件,当然,如果今后有其他的替代产品,他同样不会拒绝。
Rail-Online | Ivatt 2MT 2-6-0 | 46527 1960c Hay-On-Wye
2018年3月18日 · 46527 calls at Hay-on-Wye station down passenger working, Hay Station signal box in view
Rail-Online | Ivatt 2-6-0s | 46520 1953-07-17 Hereford
Ivatt class 2MT 2-6-0 No 46520 stands beside the signal box at Hereford on July 17, 1953 with a Brecon train, it is in the bay always used by these trains. Photo: R.O. Tuck/Rail Archive Stephenson
Rail-Online | Ivatt 2MT 2-6-0 | 46432 1960s Penrith
Taken 1-Jun-18 Visitors 220 71 of 342 photos Thumbnails Info Categories & Keywords Category:Transportation Subcategory:Railway Subcategory Detail: Keywords:BW, Ivatt, Ivatt 2MT, LMS, Steam, mogul Photo Info Dimensions9613 x 6350 Original file size2.33 MB Image typeJPEG Color spaceUnknown Date modified1-Jun-18 16:13Penrith station, south end
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