Peripheral IVUS - Philips
IVUS is a catheter-based imaging technology that allows visualization of vessels from the inside out. Cross-sectional images help assess presence and extent of disease, plaque geometry and morphology, guide wire position during lesion crossing, and stent position post-treatment.
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) Imaging - Philips
Philips intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging offers advanced visualization that enables you to decide the best therapy option, guide pre-stent planning and optimize treatment results. Discover how Philips IVUS benefits your treatment plans in coronary and peripheral interventions.
2022年8月13日 · 血管内超声(Intravascular ultrasound,IVUS)是一种血管内的成像方式,可用于各类介入学科,以表征病变形态、量化斑块负荷、指导器械尺寸选择、评估器械植入以及识别并发症。 IVUS作为斑块诊断最常用的成像技术,可提供分辨率约为100微米,成像深度约为7毫米的血管横截面结构图像, 但无法显示与斑块易损性相关的微观特征,譬如新生血管、巨噬细胞聚集和薄纤维帽等。 IVUS在经皮冠状动脉介入 ( percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)手术中可 …
SyncVision precision guidance system | Philips Healthcare
This feature also provides automated, real-time side-by-side display of co-registered IVUS and angio images to help correlate critical and anatomical landmarks, especially in complex cases, such as bifurcations.⁴, ⁷, ¹⁰, ¹¹
冠脉血管内成像技术:IVUS & OCT - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
目前,新一代的IVUS-NIRS可以在IVUS基础上对斑块的脂质成分进行分析;IVUS-OCT融合技术可以将OCT的高分辨率,对钙化斑块的良好穿透性与IVUS的对血管管壁的良好穿透性结合起来;OCT-NIRS则可以在OCT良好显示血管结构的基础上分析斑块的脂质成分。 以上内容和图片来自2017年Mintz等人的综述,三年内可能已有新产品新技术问世,如有不准确的地方,欢迎讨论和指正。 参考文献. Mintz GS, Guagliumi G. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 2. Intravascular …
OCT、IVUS、血管造影指导PCI,孰优孰劣?看ESC会议上的三大随 …
血管内超声(IVUS)概述(一) - 知乎专栏
血管内超声 (Intra Vascular UltraSound,IVUS)技术诞生于20世纪末,它利用安装在心导管顶端的微型超声探头,实时显示血管的截面图像,能清晰显示管壁结构的厚度、管腔大小和形状等,精确地测量血管腔径及截面积,甚至可以辨认钙化、纤维化和脂质池等病变 ...
Eagle Eye Platinum Digital IVUS catheter | Philips Healthcare
The Eagle Eye Platinum digital IVUS catheter system is compatible with SyncVision co-registration which creates a three-way association between locations on the angiogram, longitudinal IVUS display, and tomographic IVUS frames. SyncVision simplifies vessel sizing, streamlines lesion assessment, and enables precise therapy delivery.
VH IVUS* imaging can provide a more detailed and objective view of plaque composition (see pages 23-24). The calcium in this plaque produces two arcs of acoustic shadowing. Calcium is indicated by very bright areas with acoustic shadowing that blocks out the image behind.
一文浅析血管内超声—光学双模成像系统|IVUS|冠状动脉|OCT|分辨 …
2023年8月15日 · 血管内超声-光学双模成像系统(IVUS-OCT)是一种结合了血管内超声成像(Intravascular Ultrasound,IVUS)和光学相干断层扫描(Optical Coherence Tomography,OCT)两种显像技术的医疗设备,用于血管内的影像采集和诊断。