Capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers for intravascular ...
2020年8月24日 · In this paper, the different ultrasound transducers, including conventional-piezoelectric transducers, PMUTs and CMUTs, are reviewed, and a summary of the recent progress of CMUTs for IVUS is...
Design and Analysis of MEMS Based PVDF Ultrasonic Transducers …
High-frequency (>30 MHz) ultrasound imaging, with its microscopic resolution, has opened up new areas of medical study in the fields of ophthalmology, dermatology, and intravascular imaging (IVUS) [1,2]. In these imaging fields, image resolution is primarily determined by …
Mechanically Rotating Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) …
2021年6月5日 · Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a valuable imaging modality for the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. It provides useful clinical information, such as lumen size, vessel wall thickness, and plaque composition, by providing a cross-sectional vascular image.
•Open MEMS technology platforms •MUT with flex-to-rigid (F2R) interconnect •High speed serial interface •Standardized connector (e.g. USB type) •Fully integrated in Cath Lab infrastructure
P0-1 High Resolution Fundamental and Harmonic Imaging Using a MEMS …
2007年10月31日 · Abstract: Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging is increasingly employed to assist in selecting and evaluating therapeutic intervention. Recent work in IVUS backscatter analysis demonstrates the capability of IVUS to characterize specific lesions and identify plaques that lead to various clinical syndromes.
In this review, we mainly discuss the limitations and enhancement of IVUS, thereby enabling IVUS to provide more accurate infor-mation for physicians. Owing to the crucial role of offering...
2024年7月13日 · 血管内超声(ivus)成像是一种用于心血管疾病诊断的介入式影像诊断技术。 该技术利用导管将微型超声换能器插入心动脉腔内,在血管内部成像,能够实时显示血管横截面组织分布,可以精确评估血管腔开口、血管壁形态
2022年8月13日 · 血管内超声(Intravascular ultrasound,IVUS)是一种血管内的成像方式,可用于各类介入学科,以表征病变形态、量化斑块负荷、指导器械尺寸选择、评估器械植入以及识别并发症。 IVUS作为斑块诊断最常用的成像技术,可提供分辨率约为100微米,成像深度约为7毫米的血管横截面结构图像, 但无法显示与斑块易损性相关的微观特征,譬如新生血管、巨噬细胞聚集和薄纤维帽等。 IVUS在经皮冠状动脉介入 ( percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)手术中可 …
血管内超声(IVUS)深度报告:原理、技术、应用、市场与竞争-器械 …
2024年2月13日 · 血管内超声(intravascular ultrasound,IVUS)与光学干涉断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)都为血管内影像学检测技术,是传统冠状动脉造影的重要补充技术。 IVUS、OCT与传统的冠动脉造影在PCI术前、术后都能够用到。 在PCI植入支架前,能够精确的反映冠脉病变的性质、严重程度、累积范围以及参考血管的直径情况,从而能够指导PCI术者选择正确的策略处理病变并能协助术者选择尺寸合适的支架,同时可用于PCI支架置入后评价冠状 …
Europe is at the forefront of the development of the MEMS ultrasound transducers. In this white paper, we summarized the results of a unique Pan-European benchmarking (ref 1) of Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (MUTs).
MEMs技術による新しい医療診断用超音波プローブデバイスの開 …
高解像度・高い安定性のIVUs (IntravasCularUltrasounD)カテーテルを実現するための超音波送受信モジュールを実現. 従来の超音波診断用プローブは圧電セラミックス素子で作製され、診断映像での解像度や安全性、コスト、信頼性などの面で課題があった。 そのため、超音波診断装置の業界では根本的技術革新を求めているのが現状である。 MEMS技術による超音波プローブデバイスは、指摘された従来技術の課題を解決し、将来的にはCT検査などを代替できる高いポテ …
MEMS的这个新应用,要火了|信号|传感器|换能器 ... - 网易
2025年2月19日 · 基于微机电(MEMS)制程的电容式微机电超声波换能器(CMUT)与压电式微机电换能器(PMUT)技术正在悄然兴起,为超声波感测技术打开许多新的应用成长空间,例如手势控制、指纹识别等消费类的应用。 日前,英飞凌宣布在CMUT上取得重大进展,将换能器和ASIC集成到了单芯片上,该方案拥有更小的占板面积以及更强大的性能和功能,可广泛用于开发新型超声波应用和改进消费电子、汽车工业与医疗技术领域的现有应用。 更早之前的几 …
CMUT on CMOS for Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)
Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) technology is especially well suited to address the challenges of IVUS applications. CMUTs are MEMS based ultrasonic transducers, in which acoustic signals are generated and received through the flexural deformation of …
Capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers for intravascular ...
Presently, commercially available IVUS catheters are smaller than 6F (ca. 2.0 mm). With the advent of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology 21–24, micromachined ultrasound transducers can be constructed with a smaller size. Therefore, such transducers can be promising as medical interventional imaging tools.
2024上海高端医疗设备展Medtec对MEMS基础的PVDF超声换能器 …
2024年7月30日 · 高频超声成像以其微观分辨率,开辟了眼科、皮肤科和血管内成像( ivus )等医学研究的新领域。 2024上海高端医疗设备展 Medtec认为换能器的性能对成像质量至关重要,研究人员对多种换能器材料进行了研究,包括铅锆钛酸盐(PZT)、聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)及其 ...
MEMS ultrasonic transducers for biomedical applications
2012年1月1日 · Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) ultrasonic transducers, commonly referred to as capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs), have emerged as viable alternatives to traditional bulk piezoelectric transducers.
Capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers for intravascular ...
2020年8月24日 · Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a burgeoning imaging technology that provides vital information for the diagnosis of coronary arterial diseases. A significant constituent that enables the IVUS system to attain high-resolution images is the ultrasound transducer, which acts as both a transmitter t …
苏州医工所医用声学室在超高频血管内超声换能器及其系统研究中 …
2015年11月24日 · 血管内超声成像 (intravascular ultrasound, IVUS) 是利用安装在心导管前端的微型超声换能器(即探头),从血管内部成像来检测管腔大小和管壁结构的介入性超声诊断技术。近年来,血管内超声已成为冠心病等心血管疾病诊断的重要影像手段,被认为是冠脉血管检查的 ...
血管内超声成像(Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging,IVUS)作为一种诊断动脉粥样硬化斑块的工具,由于其安全、高效和操作简便,在临床应用中得到了快速发展。在IVUS系统中,超声换能器是重要的部件之一,对成像性能起决定性作用。
Ultrasound Catheter For Imaging And Blood Flow Measurement
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging is widely used in interventional cardiology as a diagnostic tool for assessing a diseased vessel, such as an artery, within...