IYS Synthesis Symposium - International Year of the Salmon
The IYS Synthesis Symposium: ‘Salmon in a Rapidly Changing World: Synthesis of the International Year of the Salmon and a Roadmap to 2030’ was the culmination of over 13 workshops and symposia, three historic High Seas Expeditions and over 80 associated events across the North Atlantic and North Pacific basins.
International Year of the Salmon
The International Year of the Salmon (IYS) was a five-year initiative that aspires to establish the conditions necessary to ensure the resilience of salmon and people throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
IYS Seminar Series – International Year of the Salmon
Watch the live recording of Seminar 7 below! Climate change • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.
Home - International Youth Summit
International Youth Summit is a community/platform of 100K+ youth from 85 countries for learning vital soft skills to lead a better personal & professional life. IYS is a sustainable youth development program of WSDA New Zealand.
Frayme: Building the structure to support the international …
Aim: Frayme is a Canadian-based international network designed to accelerate the adoption and scaling up of integrated youth services (IYS). This is done through the synthesis of evidence from a variety of sources and a commitment to integrated knowledge mobilization (KMb) to inform research policy and practice.
Frayme: Building the structure to support the international spread …
2020年1月14日 · Frayme is a Canadian-based international network designed to accelerate the adoption and scaling up of integrated youth services (IYS). This is done through the synthesis of evidence from a variety of sources and a commitment to integrated knowledge mobilization (KMb) to inform research policy and practice.
2015年8月19日 · 2013 年 12 月,第 68 届联合国大会通过了“将每年的 12 月 5 日作为世界土壤日( World Soil Day )以及确定 2015 年为国际土壤年( International Year of Soils 2015 - IYS 2015 )”的决议,旨在提高人们对土壤在粮食安全和生态系统功能方面重要作用的认识和了解。
IYS — Improve Your Skin
IYS Cosmetics combina tecnologia e natureza para simplificar o skincare. Descubra uma linha completa de produtos que nutrem sua pele e autoestima, trazendo praticidade e eficácia.
京瓷(无锡)电子材料有限公司_团状模塑料(BMC)_灌封材料_机 …
京瓷灌封材料具有优秀的可靠性、电气和机械特性。 适用于机动车点火线圈、各种高压线圈、变压器、电容器等电子部品的灌封保护,在业界享有盛誉。 京瓷机能材料(导电胶等)广泛应用于LED芯片、半导体芯片的粘接,性能优秀,可靠性高。 特别是大功率器件需要用到的高热传导率银胶,在业界享有盛誉。 京瓷(无锡)电子材料有限公司系日本京瓷株式会社无锡工厂。 京瓷株式会社在电子材料领域已有数十年的研发、生产及销售历史。 本公司生产的用于汽车点火线圈 …
IYS Country Chapter - International Youth Summit
IYS COUNTRY CHAPTER ORGANIZING PLAN FOR IYS COUNTRIES. International Youth Summit (IYS) has representatives from 85+ countries. IYS now opening Country Chapter Unit in potential countries under the leadership of the Country Director/s and her/his team. The formation will be as follow: