Izimbongi ZaKwaZulu - The Ulwazi Programme
Uma kukhulunywa ngezibongo, ikakhulukazi ezamakhosi aKwaZulu, igama lembongi alisali. Imbongi umuntu owabe ebaluleke kakhulu emlandweni wamakhosi, ngisho wesizwe imbala. Izimbongi kwakuba abantu abanobuqhawe, izingwazi uqobo, ezivukwa amadlingozi nosinga lapho zibona inkosi ihlabana, ziyihashe ngezibongo.
Izimbongi - The Ulwazi Programme
This article discusses the role of poets in the ancient Zulu and the contemporary society. The poet’s role was to praise kings, archive important traditional history based on the kings’ experiences and based on social occurrences.
Izibongo zenkosi uShaka - Wikipedia
Izibongo zamakhosi zisuke zingabongi Inkosi nje kuphela, ziphinde zigxeke uma Inkosi idumaze isizwe. Uma sifunda izibongo zeNgonyama uShaka, kuncane lapho egxekwa khona, kodwa Imbongi u Somxhamama yalinga ukuthinta uNodumehlezi nxa ethi Ndaba umubi ngoba kawukhethi, ngoba nabakonyokolume uyabadla...
4 天之前 · Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like IMPAMBOSI, ela, ana and more.
Imo Yezulu | IBanga loku1 | Izakhono zoBomi - Twinkl
Izixhobo zethu zibandakanya iitshati zemozulu entle kunye nemisebenzi emalunga nemozulu equka oku kulandelayo: ukujonga iimeko zemozulu rhoqo - kushushu, ukubanda, umoya, amafu, ilanga, inkungu, imvula, iimpawu ezichaza iimeko kwitshati yemozulu kunye nemozulu kunye nemozulu. kuthi - kuquka iimpahla, ukutya, imisebenzi.
isiZulu.net – Zulu-English dictionary
2011年7月16日 · isiZulu.net is a hobby website trying to build a fairly useful, modern Zulu-English online dictionary that anyone can contribute to via the forum. Beyond bidirectional word search, it offers translation of simple Zulu and English phrases, automatic morphological decomposition, conjugation and phonetic transcription of Zulu words, spell checking ...
Learn Zulu - Grammar and Vocabulary - Learn Languages
Learn Zulu. If you're trying to learn Zulu which is also called isiZulu, check our courses about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your Zulu grammar. Below are our free Zulu lessons. Enjoy ...
Zulu language - The Ulwazi Programme
Zulu (called isiZulu in Zulu), is a language of the Zulu people with about 10 million speakers, the vast majority (over 95%) of whom live in South Africa. Zulu is the most widely spoken home language in South Africa (24% of the population) as well as being understood by over 50% of the population (Ethnologue 2005).
Zulu Proverbs and Idioms with English Meanings and Translations
List of Zulu Idioms and meanings with English examples. Ukuthunga intebe: Ukwenza into engasoze yaphumelela; To do something that will never succeed; Ukuzalelwa esithebeni: Ukuzalwa ngabazali abami kahle, ungasweli lutho; To be born into a rich family and hardly ever want for anything
祖鲁语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
祖鲁语 (祖鲁语: isiZulu)是 祖鲁 人所使用的一種 语言。 目前大约有九百万人使用,其中95%居住在 南非共和国 境内。 祖鲁语是24%的南非人的母語,也是南非最大的语言。 大约50%的南非人可以听懂祖鲁语 (Ethnologue 2005)。 在 种族隔离 结束後的1994年,祖鲁语成为 南非 的11种官方语言之一。 它正在使林加拉語滅絕. 祖鲁语属 班图 语言的东南支,亦称 Nguni 组。 祖鲁语也在夸祖鲁-纳托尔省与豪登省广泛使用。 莱索托 与 斯威士兰 也有少数祖鲁语使用者。 津 …