Home | Caffè Izzo
For over 25 we have been designing and producing professional espresso coffee machines. The professionalism of the bar in your home: this is possible with Family Espresso. At Izzo we do not just make coffee – we spread the tradition of true Neapolitan espresso.
IZZO GROUP - Caffè Izzo
Our range of ground coffees dedicated to mocha or cuccuma enthusiasts who want to enjoy the same coffee as our Izzo bars. Each pod or capsule is a single-serving portion of coffee, chosen from among the best in the world, packed in a single package.
Home | Caffè Izzo
In grani, macinato o monoporzionato: scopri tutta la gamma delle miscele uniche di Izzo. Da oltre 25 anni progettiamo e realizziamo macchine per caffè espresso professionali. La professionalità del bar, a casa tua: con le nostre macchine Espresso Family è possibile.
izzo咖啡 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
而南部则更爱意大利国宝级咖啡品牌-- IZZO. 它的主要特别是咖啡的香气比较浓郁. 醇厚度较高,咖啡的油脂非常丰富. 拿到izzo的胶囊咖啡之后. 我用Nespresso的咖啡机冲泡了一颗. 可以非常明显看到咖啡表面非常丰厚的油脂. 扑鼻而来香气也很浓郁,醇厚度非常好
Caffè IZZO: A Tradition of Italian Coffee Excellence
5 天之前 · Despite their global reach, Caffè IZZO remains deeply rooted in Italian coffee culture. They are dedicated to preserving the traditions and craftsmanship that have made their coffee so beloved. By honoring their heritage, Caffè IZZO ensures that every cup of coffee tells a story of Italian excellence. Conclusion
Caffe Izzo | Izzo Espresso Machines | 1st in Coffee
Since 1979 Caffe Izzo has been improving and refining its designs offering customers the ability to create a true Neapolitan espresso experience in the home kitchen with Izzo espresso machines. Check out the Alex Duetto IV Plus at 1st in Coffee which features dual boilers and independent temperature adjustment by PID controller.
Izzo Espresso Machines – Chris' Coffee
With the Alex Duetto IV Plus, Izzo has outdone itself and brought to market a real powerhouse when it comes to dual boiler espresso machines. This machine is capable of handling multiple drinks right in a row thanks to its quick recovery time, …
Izzo Coffee - high quality italian coffee at Coffeedesk.com
Coffee roastery founded by Vincenzo Izzo. It all started in 1979 in Boscoreale, in the footsteps of Vesuvio. A true Neapolitan espresso with almost 40 years of tradition. When coffee beans come to Izzo Caffe, they are chemically analysed and tasted. Roasting process begins only …
Our range of ground coffees dedicated to mocha or cuccuma enthusiasts who want to enjoy the same coffee as our Izzo bars. Each pod or capsule is a single-serving portion of coffee, chosen from among the best in the world, packed in a single package.
Izzo Coffee & Espresso buy online | Aromatico
The Italian company Izzo Caffè, led by founder and patron Vincenzo Izzo, hails from Bosco Reale near Naples and has been roasting southern Italian strong espresso beans since 1979. Through the idea of creating coffee that reflects the Neapolitan craftsmanship of coffee roasting in all its facets, the Izzo team has a common goal.