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Jõgeva - Wikipedia
Jõgeva was first mentioned in 1599 as Jagiwa manor, being established only recently on the lands of the same named village by the orders of the Polish king. During the Polish reign in Estonia (1582–1622) it was part of Laiuse starostwo, which became Laiuse fief during Swedish rule (1622–1721). In 1756, Jõgeva manor … 展开
Jõgeva is a small town in Estonia with a population of around 5000 people. It is the capital of Jõgeva Parish and Jõgeva County. 展开
In July Jõgevatreff, an annual bikers reunion takes place. The culmination of the event is the parade of the bikers through the town. In August, the annual Garlic Festival is held. … 展开
Jõgeva is situated on the right shore of Pedja River which flows through the city from north to south. Parallel with the river is the Tallinn–Tartu railway line. The major cities Tartu and Tallinn are respectively 51 and 154 kilometres (96 miles) from Jõgeva, both connected … 展开
• The house museum of Estonian poet Betti Alver - the house by the railway station where she was born;
• Külmasammas - a monument marking the Estonian cold record of −43.5 °C (−46 °F) recorded in Jõgeva in 1940; 展开• Martin Algus (born 1973), actor, screenwriter, playwright and translator, born in Jõgeva
• Vallo Allingu (born 1978), basketball player, born in Jõgeva
• Saskia Alusalu (born 1994), speed skater, born in Jõgeva 展开CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 Jõgeva – Vikipeedia
Jõgeva on linn Jõgeva maakonnas, maakonna ja Jõgeva valla halduskeskus. Linna idapiiril voolab Pedja jõgi. Linna pindala on 3,86 km², 2012. aastal oli arvestuslik rändega rahvaarv 5597.
Jõgeva sai aleviks 13. oktoobril 1919 ja 3. astme linnaks 1. mail 1938.
Jõgeval mõõdeti 17. jaanuaril 1940 Eesti külmarekord: –43,5 °C.Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字Jõgeva was first mentioned in 1599 as Jagiwa manor, being established only recently on the lands of the same named village by the orders of the Polish king. During the Polish reign in Estonia (1582–1622) it was part of Laiuse starostwo, which became Laiuse fief during Swedish rule (1622–1721).
In 1756, Jõgeva manor became the property of Gotthard Johann von Manteuffel (1690–1763) a…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
Jõgeva County - Wikipedia
Jõgeva County (Estonian: Jõgeva maakond or Jõgevamaa) is one of 15 counties of Estonia. It is situated in eastern part of the country and borders Ida-Viru County to the north-east, Lake …
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Avaleht | Jõgeva vald
Jõgeva vald paikneb kaunil Ida-Eesti Vooremaal. Vald pakub põnevat avastamisainet ja vaatamisväärsusi turistidele, puhkajatele, ajaloo- ja loodushuvilistele. Vallale on iseloomulik …
Jõgevamaa Koostöökoda - Jõgevamaa Koostöökoda
Märts on paras aeg mõelda, mida kevadel maha külvata ja kuidas koduaias head saaki saada. IV Seemnefestival toimub juba 1. märtsil Jõgeva alevikus!
Jõgeva Parish - Wikipedia
Jõgeva Parish (Estonian: Jõgeva vald) is a rural municipality of Estonia, in Jõgeva County. [1] It has a population of 12,413 (2024) and an area of 458 km 2 (177 mi 2).
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Jõgeva maakond – Vikipeedia
Jõgeva maakond on Eesti 1. järgu haldusüksus, mis asub Ida-Eestis, Mandri-Eesti keskpunkti ja Peipsi järve vahel. Maakonna loodus, majandus, kultuur ja omavalitsusüksused kohta saab …
Jõgeva, Estonia
Jõgeva is a quaint town located in eastern Estonia, known for its rich history and cultural significance. Established in the early 19th century, it became a center of commerce and trade, …
Jõgeva (small borough) - Wikipedia
Jõgeva is a small borough (alevik) in Jõgeva Parish, Jõgeva County in eastern Estonia. [ 1 ] It is the site of Jõgeva manor house, built in the 19th century.
Jõgevamaa vaatamisväärsused: 7 kohta, mida külastada
2023年4月18日 · Jõgevamaa on Eesti keskosas põllumajanduspiirkond, mis pakub looduse, kultuuri, sporti ja muusti. Lehel on 7 võimalust, mis saab nautida Jõgevamaa erinevate kohtadesse, nagu Elistvere loomapargi, Kuremaa loss, …
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