Phase-sensitive inversion recovery - Radiopaedia.org
2024年8月28日 · Phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR), also known as phase-corrected inversion recovery (PCIR), refers to an inversion recovery MRI pulse sequence that accounts for the positive and negative polarities and preserves the information of tissue magnetization during the recovery from the initial 180° inversion pulse and factually doubles the ...
PSIR序列原理及临床应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
psir序列是心脏磁共振lge延迟强化常用的序列,该序列的优点是不用计算正常心肌过0时间,通过cr能够得到比较稳定的图像。 除了心脏,PSIR… 首发于 磁共振成像
Myocardial motion-corrected phase-sensitive inversion recovery …
2021年6月1日 · The development of PSIR with respiratory motion-corrected (MOCO) averaging has led to a free breathing LGE imaging approach. 13 MOCO PSIR using highly accelerated single-shot TrueFISP acquisition to achieve high spatial resolution. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved by averaging multiple single-shot images after motion correction.
Feasibility study of highly accelerated phase-sensitive inversion ...
Background: Phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) is a powerful cardiac MRI method to assess myocardial viability, which can eliminate the background phase and preserve the sign of the desired magnetization during inversion recovery.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Wiley Online Library
Phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) is a powerful cardiac MRI method to assess myocardial viability, which can eliminate the background phase and preserve the sign of the desired magnetization during inversion recovery.
Evaluation of phase‐sensitive versus magnitude reconstructed …
2012年9月12日 · The PSIR technique provides stable and consistent contrast between hyperenhanced and remote myocardium independent of the selected inversion time (TI) and proved to be a robust, fast, and accurate tool for the assessment of MI in mice. J. Magn. Reson.
3D phase-sensitive inversion recovery sequence for intracranial ...
2023年10月23日 · The 3D-PSIR sequence can be a useful tool for the imaging-based diagnosis of iVAD. The 3D-PSIR sequence may be able to improve the vessel wall defects and achieve MRI findings comparable to those of the T1W-3D-TSE sequence in iVAD.
Whole heart free breathing phase sensitive inversion recovery MRI ...
2016年1月27日 · Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery (PSIR) [1] allows for the visualization of myocardial scars using late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), ensuring robustness with respect to sequence timing. 3D whole-heart PSIR has been integrated with diaphragmatic navigator-gating (NAV) [2] to compensate for respiratory motion.
3D whole-heart phase sensitive inversion recovery CMR for …
2017年11月27日 · Phase sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) applied to late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging is widely used in clinical practice. However, conventional 2D PSIR LGE sequences provide sub-optimal contrast between scar tissue and blood pool, rendering the detection of subendocardial infarcts and scar segmentation challenging.
1016 Increased sensitivity for detection of intra-cardiac thrombus ...
2008年10月22日 · In Phase-Sensitive-Inversion-Recovery (PSIR) techniques the reconstructed image discriminates between positive and negative signal amplitudes. Thus PSIR reduces the need to set precise inversion times to avoid reduced or even inverted contrast between areas of hyper-enhancement and normal myocardium .