Essential Arms J-15 worth getting? > AR Discussions - AR15.COM
2021年8月6日 · MOD: J.15 KSLA EA. 0000<Number Stamped All receivers below #50,000 are pre-ban and were manufactured before the cut off date in September 1994. The second series lower receivers marked J-15-2 are post ban. The third series J-15-F (F-forging) with engraved lettering are post ban.
E.A. CO J-15 history lesson > AR Discussions - AR15.COM
2010年7月18日 · "The company started production again but with new markings,so the j-15 marked ones are preban." The post ban model number is J-15-F. Posted: 7/25/2010 6:16:39 PM EDT
Essential Arms J-15 Questions - AR15.COM
2014年9月18日 · all J-15 are preban. J-15-F are postban forged. they made some J-15-2 that were postban cast ones as well. essential arms sold the tooling to dpms before the ban. early DPMS had cast lowers that looked like these. not all cast DPMS are preban though. they made them past the ban before they switched to forged.
E.A. CO. AR-15 > AR Discussions > AR15.COM
2009年1月1日 · The J-15 cast lowers are all pre-ban as well. My dad has 2 and they have been fine, as long as you don't mind the Colt grey. According the the AR-15 collector book Ruger cast them. DPMS also used the same cast lower, still marked J-15 after E.A. stopped making them.
Essential Arms J-15 Rifle - AR15.COM
2002年12月15日 · One of the dealers was trying to sell an EA J-15 w/ 20" A2 HBAR upper saying that it was a complete Bushmaster rifle. I told him that the lower receiver was not a Bushmaster, but an Essential Arms. At this point he produced a 2001 gun value price book, showed me a picture of a post ban Bushmaster Shorty, and said "This is the rifle RIGHT HERE".
preban Essential Arms J15 Quality? Value? - AR15.COM
2007年4月30日 · Here is a cast EA J-15-2 in the original gray, one of the last of the cast EA's: And here is the same J-15-2 lower, I did the OD myself: Posted: 5/2/2007 11:04:42 AM EDT
E. A. Co. Model J-15 - AR15.COM
2006年12月28日 · Some years ago, I purchased a pre-ban AR type rifle. It is marked "E. A. Co. KR SPR LA". It is a Model J-15 built to an A1 type configuration. Is there anyone out there that knows something about the manufacturer or the rifle? I also have a question about headspacing.
Older Eagle Arms J-15 Carbine - AR15.COM
2005年1月6日 · Can anyone tell me the history of the early Eagle Arms J-15 Carbine? This has a 4.5 inch screw-on flash hider which is mostly barrel extension on the otherwise short barrel (Approx. 11.5) making it 16.1 inches. It has a sliding stock, and field sights. Is it …
The AR Serial Number Directory (Pre / Post Ban) - AR15.COM
2001年4月7日 · If anyone is wondering what you get for this, it is a form letter signed by the president of Armalite that says, for example:"Serial number ##### was originally shipped to Utah in June 1996 as a pre-ban M15A2 M4C carbine."
Official M4A1 USASOC URG-I and NSW URG-I and Clone Picture …
2018年1月7日 · Will be interesting to see who's receiver and BCG the URG is initially issued with. I know @Combat_Diver receives FN receivers and FN bolts/carriers for rebuilds, so it will also be interesting to see (down the road) if those same spare …