J-coupling - Wikipedia
In nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics, J-couplings (also called spin-spin coupling or indirect dipole–dipole coupling) are mediated through chemical bonds connecting two spins. It is an …
J-Coupling (Scalar) - Chemistry LibreTexts
J-couplings are typically used in combination with chemical shifts to deduce the through-bond connectivity in small molecules and proteins. While typically a liquid state phenomena, solid …
邻位氢核之间自旋偶合作用的大小(J值 ,偶合常数)与两个氢核构成的两面角的角度有关,它提供了原子间在 空间取向 上的结构信息 (空间结构)。
14.12: Coupling Constants Identify Coupled Protons
Chemists quantify the spin-spin coupling effect using something called the coupling constant, which is abbreviated with the capital letter J. The coupling constant is simply the difference, …
J Coupling | SpringerLink
J or scalar coupling between magnetic nuclei (otherwise termed nuclear spins) is coupling via the intervening network of chemical bonds and depends on interaction between the nuclear spins …
核磁J耦合,为什么有的波谱分裂小峰而有的不呢? - 知乎
2023年3月21日 · 当 J 与原子核间 化学位移频差 (Δν) 相比较大时,会发生二阶耦合,从最简单地、谱线表现出“屋顶现象”(roofing phenomenon, 不同多重峰间耦合、相互倚靠),到十分复 …
谱图解析:化学位移、J-耦合和积分面积 - 知乎
J-耦合又称标量耦合,以共价键作为桥梁,是氢质子之间以及其他核的一种相互作用。 如果说化学位移作为很好判别该氢质子的一种“标签”,那么J-耦合就可以作为将这些不同化学位移的氢质 …
NMR J-couplings - University of Cambridge
NMR J-coupling or nuclear spin-spin coupling is an indirect interaction of the nuclear magnetic moments mediated by the bonding electrons. It is manifested as the fine structure in NMR …
J-coupling, also known as scalar coupling, arises from nuclear magnetic moments in the same molecule affecting each other through the electron cloud, which is shared among atoms due to …
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PLT71 - hebmu.edu.cn
The J coupling (always reported in Hz) is field-independent (i.e. J is constant at different external magnetic field strength), and is mutual (i.e. JAX = JXA). Because the effect is usually...