Perfect 1JCH-resolved HSQC: Efficient measurement of one-bond …
2017年3月1日 · The perfect 1 J CH-resolved HSQC experiment retains the basic pulse train of the regular HSQC experiment and therefore its performance can be further improved by adding complementary features, such as solvent suppression schemes, multiplicity editing, NUS enhancement or BIRD-based real-time homodecoupling along the F2 dimension [14].
One-Shot Determination of Residual Dipolar Couplings: …
A robust J-resolved HSQC experiment affording highly resolved 1 J CH / 1 T CH splittings along the indirect dimension and homodecoupled 1 H signals in the detected dimension is proposed. The experiment enables in situ distinction of both isotropic and anisotropic components of molecules dissolved in compressed PMMA gels, allowing a rapid and ...
Perfect 1JCH-resolved HSQC: Efficient measurement of one
2017年1月3日 · A robust J-resolved HSQC experiment affording highly resolved 1JCH/1TCH splittings along the indirect dimension and homodecoupled 1H signals in the detected dimension is proposed.
One-Shot Determination of Residual Dipolar Couplings: …
2016年10月19日 · A novel approach for the fast and efficient structural discrimination of molecules containing multiple stereochemical centers is described. A robust J-resolved HSQC experiment affording highly resolved 1JCH/1TCH splittings along the indirect dimension and homodecoupled 1H signals in the detected dimension is proposed.
Selective ge-1D HSQC-COSY - imserc.northwestern.edu
The selective ge-1D HSQC-COSY experiment affords a simple 1D 13C-edited COSY spectrum in which the protons directly-bonded to the selected carbon appear as large doublet due to 1JCH and the protons J-coupled with them show the commonly anti-phase pattern of COSY signals.
1JCH NMR Profile: Identification of Key Structural Features and ...
2017年1月9日 · A user-friendly NMR interface for the visual and accurate determination of experimental one-bond proton-carbon coupling constants (1 J CH) in small molecules is presented. This intuitive 1 J CH profile correlates directly to δ( 1 H), and 1 J CH facilitates the rapid identification and assignment of 1 H signals belonging to key structural ...
Perfect 1JCH-resolved HSQC: Efficient measurement of one-bond …
Accurate measurement of long-range CH residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) (2DCH and 3DCH) by a new selective J-scaled HSQC experiment significantly improves the structural discrimination power of RDCs …
(PDF) Perfect 1JCH-resolved HSQC: Efficient measurement of one …
A versatile 1 J CH -resolved HSQC pulse scheme for the speedy, accurate and automated determination of one-bond proton-carbon coupling constants is reported. The implementation of a perfectBIRD element allows a straightforward measurement from the
Perfect 1 J CH-resolved HSQC: Efficient measurement of one
A versatile 1 J CH-resolved HSQC pulse scheme for the speedy, accurate and automated determination of one-bond proton-carbon coupling constants is reported. The implementation of a perfectBIRD element allows a straightforward measurement from the clean doublets obtained along the highly resolved F1 dimension, even for each individual 1 J CHa ...
核磁谱图分析步骤_一种直接测量的可视化一阶碳氢耦合二维核磁技 …
2021年1月6日 · 本文介绍了一种新型1JCH二维核磁技术及其在结构解析中的应用。 该技术能够直接测量1JCH,有助于复杂天然产物的平面解析、核磁归属及构型确定。 通过几个模型化合物的应用实例,总结了影响1JCH大小的因素。 一种直接测量的可视化1JCH二维核磁技术及其在结构解析中的应用. 文章概述. 随着核磁技术的发展,适用于不同情况的核磁测试技术被研究人员设计出来。 本文作者设计了一种可直接读取 1JCH 的二维核磁技术,并例举了其在结构解析中的应用。 …