John Knox - Wikipedia
John Knox (c. 1514 – 24 November 1572) was a Scottish minister, Reformed theologian, and writer who was a leader of the country's Reformation. He was the founder of the Church of Scotland. Born in Giffordgate, a street in Haddington, East Lothian, Knox is believed to have been educated at the University of St Andrews and worked as a notary-priest.
John Knox | Scottish Reformer & Father of Presbyterianism
2025年2月27日 · John Knox (born c. 1514, near Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland—died November 24, 1572, Edinburgh) was the foremost leader of the Scottish Reformation, who set the austere moral tone of the Church of Scotland and shaped …
约翰·诺克斯 - 百度百科
约翰·诺克斯(John Knox 1513-1572)著名宗教改革领袖,创办了苏格兰长老会,身列日内瓦“宗教改革纪念碑”的四巨人之一。1540年改信新教。他曾被法国人俘虏,沦为划船的奴隶,之后回到英格兰担任新教牧师。
约翰·诺克斯高等教育学院 - John Knox Institute
约翰﹒诺克斯大约于1514年出生于苏格兰。 他在信仰罗马天主教的家庭中长大并受过良好的教育。 诺克斯进入哈丁顿语法学校学习之后,展现出了非凡的聪明才智。 虽然我们对诺克斯的学生时代知之不多,但我们知道他后来继续学习,在圣安德鲁斯大学完成了学业,获得了艺术学硕士学位。 强烈的学习兴趣帮助他奠定了后来带领他改变苏格兰的根基。 著名的苏格兰历史学家托马斯﹒麦克里(1772-1835)这样描述了诺克斯青少年时代苏格兰的信仰状况:“宗教改革前夕,基 …
Who was John Knox, and how did he become involved in the …
John Knox (c. 1514 – 24 November 1572) was a pivotal figure in the Scottish Reformation, an influential minister, theologian, and writer who played a significant role in founding the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.
约翰诺克斯高等教育学院的主要办学目的是装备教会,向全世界宣告和维护上帝全备的旨意。 刚刚建立的教会,尤其是外国的一些教会,常常缺乏北美和欧洲的教会想当然地认为应该拥有的那些正规的教育资源。 除此之外,这些教会建立的年日尚浅,缺乏新教传统和根基来帮助他们对圣经教导有清楚的认识。 然而,我们机构所提供的课程也适合成熟的教会、圣经学习小组和个人的提高。 我们的目标是以视频和音频讲座或视频授课的方式为所有渴望更多地学习圣经和神学的人提供 …
John Knox Timeline - World History Encyclopedia
John Knox (l. c. 1514-1572) was a Scottish theologian and reformer famous for his work in advancing the Protestant Reformation in Scotland, his contentious relationship with Mary, Queen of Scots (l. 1542-1587), and establishing the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.
约翰·诺克斯高等教育学院 - zh.johnknoxinstitute.org
这个课程的目的是装备上帝的百姓,使他们对圣经有更深刻的理解,对 在基督里所显明的上帝本身有更充分的认识。 所以,如果你想要对上帝有更充分的认识, 如果你想要更好地掌握圣经中的信息,那么这个系列课程的目的正是带给你这些益处。 整本圣经都是在显明关于主耶稣基督的信息和祂恩惠的福音中的救恩。 我们在旧新约 圣经所记载的各阶段的救赎历史中,看到上帝藉着基督逐渐展开了祂的启示。 登录 or 登记 以便能够保存您的进度、做笔记等等!
John Knox - Reformation History
John Knox, the most famous Scottish Reformer, was born near Edinburgh in 1505. He went to his local school and then to university in St Andrews, before becoming a deacon and a priest in the (Roman Catholic) Church.
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