现代军机操作杆蹊跷之处番外篇论如何操作A10-DCS - 哔哩哔哩
a-10c hotas系统的重要性. 正如上面的叙述,a-10c的hotas允许飞行员在双手不离杆的情况下控制绝大部分舱内重要航电系统。所以a-10c的hotas功能,自然是熟练飞行a-10c的必备知识。
J-10 ADT Edition - Just Flight
Custom keystroke mapping for HOTAS setups. Highly detailed Virtual cockpit (VC) featur-es high resolution textures with sharp gauge text, emissive avionics, MFD, HUD, flood light and console light in 2 colours, gauge back lighting, interior lights controlled by individual light control switches, and switchable cockpit positions in FS2004 and ...
提了两个关于J10的issue,大伙动动你们的小手指吧【战争雷霆吧 …
2024年9月16日 · 第一个是给J10增加襟翼,从很多图片和视频中都能看见,J10是存在可动襟翼的。 第二个是增加机腹油箱,这个不用多说了。 玩的时候发现J10A在深俯冲的时候会突然变得很重,1500高度1m速度做破S机动后根本拉不起来直接拍地板,J11和j8就不会,是不是因为j10a没这个金翼导致的? 提了两个关于J10的..第一个是给J10增加襟翼,从很多图片和视频中都能看见,J10是存在可动襟翼的。 第二个是增加机腹油箱,这个不用多说了。 …
Chengdu_J-10_MainFeatures - WARPLANEDATA
HOTAS cockpit with MFD displays. Ventral fin. Airbrakes (port and starboard) Fly-By-Wire (FBW) flight control system. Low mounted delta wing blended into body with 55º ...
Chengdu J-10 Fighter Jet Specs, Cockpit, and Price
The Chengdu J-10 cockpit is equipped with a zero-zero ejection seat. The fighter has a digital fly-by-wire flight control system and HOTAS (hand-on throttle and stick) control where the pilot has every control for battle that is put into two handles.
Chengdu J-10 ‘Firebird’ - Fly a jet fighter
Compared to its predecessors, the Chengdu J-10 was a quantum leap forward, especially compared to the Shenyang J-8 that had entered service more than 15 years earlier. The new aircraft was the first Chinese multi-role fighter with fly-by-wire controls. The state-of-the-art cockpit was fully digital and featured a HOTAS-type joystick.
新歼--歼十 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
J10 是中国 成都飞机设计研究所 和 成都飞机工业集团公司 为中国人民解放军空军研制的第三代单发超声速多功能战斗机,主要用来取代J7战斗机,可执行防空、制空和攻击等多种作战任务。该机是我国自行研制的第一种第三代战斗机,已成为我国空军八一%28BaYi ...
WINWING F-18 HOTAS摇杆评测(1) - ChinaFlier
2022年10月9日 · 这一系统的配套围绕着当年的电脑硬件和输入设备的发展,今天就介绍一下“成都翼胜科技”独立研发的产品F-18 HOTAS 摇杆系统. ★ 95%金属结构(铝合金框架结构+不锈钢受力结构)。 ★ X/Y轴均采用16位霍尔磁感应传感器。 ★ 288mm 1:1行程。 ★ 阻尼调节把手。 ★ 阻尼把手同时带10位轴信号。 ★ 提拉把手可在“关车位”、“加力位”操作,操作方式仿真真机效果。 ★ 可调节的左右把手弹簧同步。 ★ 可调节的把手50%推力位刻度感。 ★ 可调节背光。 ★ 支持扩 …
Chengdu J-10 Vigorous Dragon - Aero Corner
Digital fly-by-wire flight control system and HOTAS Engine: 1x 1 X Woshan WS-10A Taihang or Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN Turbofan Power: 29,101 pound-force Max Cruise Speed: 1261 knots 2,335 Km/h Approach Speed (Vref): 110 knots Travel …
Chengdu J-10: The Vigorous Dragon - Chinese State of the Art …
The aircraft also incorporates “hands on throttle and stick” (HOTAS) controls. Avionics and Sensors suit: The initial variant of J-10 aircraft could carry external pods including the BM/KG300G self-protection jamming pod, Type Hongguand-I infrared search and track pod, KZ900 electronic reconnaissance pod, Blue Sky navigation /attack pod and ...