Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia
The Chengdu J-10 Vigorous Dragon (Chinese: 歼-10 猛龙; pinyin: Jiān-10 Měnglóng; NATO reporting name: Firebird[4][5]), is a medium-weight, single-engine, multirole combat aircraft using a delta wing and canard design. [2] .
毫无瓜葛!一文说清J10和以色列狮式战机的区别 - 网易
2023年10月11日 · 歼-10是我国现代化大型喷气式战斗机机队的最核心支柱,具备制空作战以及对海对地的精确打击能力,战斗力和F-16接近,目前在役大约400架,是中国空军的绝对主力之一。 而江湖上再也没有了狮式的音信。 有人说,J-10和Lavi项目的外表非常相似。
Why China Looked To Israel’s Lavi Jet For Its J-10 ‘Vigorous Dragon’
2020年6月6日 · The J-10 “Vigorous Dragon” is a mainstay of China’s effort to modernize its large fleet of single-engine jet fighters, with 350 already in service. An agile tactical fighter similar to the...
通过研制和生产幼狮战斗机,以色列获得了相当不错的战斗机研发经验,开始研发一种轻型飞机,将取代已经不算先进的幼狮战斗机和来自法国的幻影,甚至可以取代A4攻击机,这一计划就是后来的狮式战斗机计划。 以色列尽管拥有改进和生产幻影的能力,但要没有外界帮助,以色列只能玩玩图纸和模型。 所以,以色列找到了美国,左手膝盖右手大腿根,结结实实的贴在美国的腿上。 美国在当时拥有全世界最先进的航空技术和发动机技术,而以色列在中东又有着大量实战经 …
China's J-10 & Israel's Lavi Jet's Connection? - YouTube
2024年3月31日 · China's J10 fighter and the Israeli Lavi fighter have long been subjects of debate and speculation regarding their connection. Are they linked through a clandestine copying operation, or is the...
歼十的前世今生 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
歼十的引人注目的莫过于其独特的气动外形,与以色列上世纪80年代研制发展的“拉维”战斗机形态上十分相似,加之当时中以军事合作比较密切,于是就有不少人认为,歼十是“拉维”的仿制型。 从根本上来讲,两者的设计定位差别很大,歼十设计初主要考虑制空,其次才是对地打击。
J-10 - Lavi with Chinese Characteristics? - GlobalSecurity.org
Chinese analysts note there is a huge difference in aerodynamic shape between the Israeli Lavi fighter and the domestic J-10 fighter. The distance between the J-10 canard and the wing is much...
J-10 Chengdu Fighter Jet - crewdaily.com
2024年11月5日 · The J-10 was based on the Israeli Lavi fighter and is structurally identical to the F-16 due to cooperation between Israel and China in the 1980s. The J-10 jet fighter is a delta-wing aircraft with forward canards, which improve agility and low-speed maneuvers for air-to-air missions and ground attacks.
Chengdu J-10 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Chengdu J-10 (Jian-10; simplified Chinese: 歼-十; traditional Chinese: 殲-十; pinyin: Jiān shí, export designation F-10 Vanguard) is a multirole fighter aircraft designed and produced by the People's Republic of China 's Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).
China’s F-16 Falcon: Meet the Chengdu J-10 Fighter
2023年11月19日 · One critical component of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is the Chengdu J-10. The “Vigorous Dragon” is often compared to its American counterpart, the F-16 Fighting Falcon, and it...
China’s J-10 Fighter Is No F-35 But Is Surely a Powerhouse
2021年12月19日 · The resulting dapper IAI Lavi (Lion Cub) had delta-wings (good for high-speed performance) combined with canards, a second set of small wings near the nose for improved lift and maneuverability.
J-10 Revolutionized China’s Aviation Sector - World-Defence
2023年4月2日 · According to several accounts, Israelis shared secret information with CAC about the US-funded LAVI, the Israeli fourth-generation fighter jet with a similar configuration developed in the 1980s, but could not get past the prototype stage because of the halt in US funding.
Chengdu J-10 – China Defence Today
2017年5月14日 · The development of the J-10 has benefited from the cancelled Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) Lavi lightweight fighter project, including the aerodynamic design and the “fly-by-wire” flight control software.
深度:狮和幼狮谁才是歼10战机的“犹太兄弟”|F-15|以色列|幼狮_新 …
2016年10月7日 · 飞在后面的是以色列第一种国产战斗机“幼狮”战斗机(Kfir),飞在前面的白色战斗机是以色列第二种国产战斗机“狮”式战斗机(Lavi)。 在这里,笔者斗胆为大家科普一下这两型战斗机的区别,并再啰嗦两句歼10战斗机和“狮”式轻型战斗机确实存在的不得不说的秘密! 看看谁才是中国歼10的犹太兄弟。 图片:老照片,当年中国代表团参观以色列“狮”(Lavi)战斗机。 据称中国确实获得了“狮”式战斗机上的以色列飞行控制软件,在此基础上研制成功了中国自己的三 …
2013年3月27日 · 从外形看,J10还是和以色列的lavi(狮)蛮象的歼10在试飞之初,国外就说到利用了幼狮的技术,但是需要说明的是幼狮在美国的干预下夭折了,加上当时中国和以色列之间良好的合作关系倒是有很大可能将技术流向我国。
2019年4月24日 · 歼10是我国自行研制的第三代战斗机,自1998年3月23日首飞以来,已经走过了20多年的春秋,发展出五个型号、装备部队500多架。 然而时至今日,依然有人要说歼10仿制了以色列的LAVI“狮”式战机,更有小白连“狮”和“幼狮”都分不清楚,强行把“幼狮”也拉过来当歼10的“爹”。 来,先分清楚哪个是狮哪个是幼狮,再来聊歼10仿制的问题. 持这种观点的人,最大的论据就是“狮”和歼10都有鸭翼,都采用了腹部进气道,外形有一定的相似性。 但是,“狮”的鸭翼设计根 …
聊聊以色列“Lavi”战斗机:失落的大卫王之 ... - 网易
2021年11月11日 · 其实Lavi的设计目标是战斗轰炸机,歼-10是空优战斗机,功能定位已经决定了两者的性能设计和气动设计不可能照搬,其它如机体大小、翼面形状和相对位置、进气口等等也都有明显的差别,而这些都是要通过大量的风洞试验反复验证才能确定的,更不可能照搬。 至于那些看起来有些相似的部分,像外八字起落架和腹部进气,那都是当时三代机的主流设计、大家都在用,但实现的方法却都不尽相同,进气道的设计就连米格-29和苏-27的都不完全一样,反倒是矩 …
J-10 Fighter: How Borrowed Tech From Russia & Israel …
2023年4月2日 · According to several accounts, Israelis shared secret information with CAC about the US-funded LAVI, the Israeli fourth-generation fighter jet with a similar configuration developed in the 1980s, but could not get past the prototype stage because of the halt in US funding.
Chengdu J-10 (FC-20) 'Vigorous Dragon' - MILAVIA
2014年5月25日 · The J-10 (Jian-10 meaning Fighter-10) built by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) is the next generation multi-role fighter for China's Peoples Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The J-10 is a capable fighter-bomber, which will be operated alongside China's interceptor fleet of J-11 licensed built Su-27 and the imported Su-30MK Flankers.
The J-10 Fighter Jet: How China Built Its Own F-16 (Thanks To …
2020年11月3日 · Here’s What You Need to Know: China’s J-10 is more inspired by the Israeli Lavi than an outright clone. The J-10 “Vigorous Dragon” is a mainstay of China’s effort to modernize its large fleet...