SAE J1708 协议介绍 | 应用于重型车辆中微控制器之间的数据交换
j1708 是专门针对重型车辆(卡车和客车)开发的一种 sae 规范,标准规范以更经济的方式在设备之间进行数据传送。 J1708 总线协议用于重型车辆中微控制器之间的数据交换,既描述诸如应该如何解释总线上的电压电平的物理特性,也描述报文的组成。
Automobile Controls on a SAE J1708 Bus. The physical media is a two-wire bus using 18-gauge twisted pair with a minimum of 1 twist per inch. The maximum length is intended to be 40m. A maximum of 20 nodes is specified. Deviations from this must be carefully analyzed to determine impact on bus performance over the entire operating range.
理解SAE J1708协议:汽车诊断通信标准-CSDN博客
2020年8月31日 · 1708是SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers:美国机动车工程师学会)专门针对重型车辆(卡车和客车)起草文件中J标准规范之一,该协议旨在推广微控制器模块之间的通信标准规范。 SAE J1708协议仅详细描述了OSI(Open System Interconnection:开放式系统互联)七层模型中的物理层和数据链路层。 所以在进行通信时,常常需要与描述应用层的SAE J1587协议一起使用。 (1) 诊断引脚: H引脚 = 12 L 引脚 = 13. (2) 通信波特率: 9600bps. …
Au SAE J1708/J1587 Data Center (Au J1708 DCS, Figure 1-1), is a handheld device with 1 LEDs and 2 DB9 connectors. It is able to capture SAE J1708/J1587 signals on SAE J1708 network and transmit the capture data to PC through RS232 serial port. It can also receive data from PC and transmit to SAE J1708/J1587 network. 1. 1. Major Hardware Features
SAE J1708_J1587 Communications - 百度文库
J1708 is a simple multi-master bus interface built upon a USART peripheral in a microcontroller. While any wired-or type physical layer works with J1708, the specification describes a physical layer based upon an RS-485 bus (see Figure 1).
A Brief Introduction to SAE J1708 and J1587 - Copperhill Tech
SAE J1708 is a standard used for serial communications between ECUs on a heavy duty vehicle and also between a computer and the vehicle. With respect to Open System Interconnection model (OSI), J1708 defines the physical layer. Common higher layer protocols that operate on top of J1708 are SAE J1587 and SAE J1922.
j1708_tx Function Prototype: uint_8 j1708_tx ( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t size, uint8_t pri ); Description: This function should copy the J1708 message pointed to by buf and store it into the J1708 transmit buffer. This function is responsible for calculating the checksum and appending it to the end of the message. Parameters: msg: Points to the ...
J1708_201609: Serial Data Communications Between ... - SAE International
2004年8月25日 · Serial Data Communications Between Microcomputer Systems in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Applications (STABILIZED Sep 2016) J1708_201609. This SAE Recommended Practice defines a recommended practice for implementing a bidirectional, serial communication link among modules containing microcomputers.
neoVI Yellow——支持 J1708, J1939, K-Line和J1850协议 - 百度文库
neoVI Yellow是英特佩斯控制系统有限公司推出的最新产品,支持J1708, J1939, K-Line和J1850协议,具备电气隔离和耐磨橡胶外套设计,是一款高性价比的车载网络开发工具。
ssJ1708 is high performance J1708 protocol stack written in ANSI C. ssJ1708 adheres to both the SAE J1708 specification and to the software development best practices guidelines described in MISRA C.