Snapmaker J1 3D打印机测评:理想中的IDEX 3D打印机 - 知乎
Snapmaker J1是深圳快造科技(Snapmaker)推出的全新高速IDEX 3D打印机,是继三合一3D打印机之后的最新产品。 它为用户带来了双打印头的加倍乐趣,让你能够体验到更高效的打印 …
Snapmaker J1s | High Speed IDEX 3D Printer - Snapmaker
Snapmaker J1s features independent dual extruder (IDEX), ultra-fast print speed, and innovative IDEX calibration. With cast and machined parts, linear rails, user-friendly IDEX 3D slicer and …
Choosing the proper build plate side | Snapmaker Wiki
The glass build plate of J1/J1s is double-sided, one being glass and the other PEI-coated, which can meet most daily demands of printing with different filaments. In general, we recommend …
Snapmaker J1/J1s 3D 打印机:使用手册
为了使你更快熟悉机器与 Luban 的作业工作流,并顺利和 J1/J1s 一同完成首件 3D 打印作品,本章节将指引你跟随 Luban 的新手引导程序,使用标配的耗材,制作我们为你的首次体验而量 …
Helpful tips for J1/J1s new users to avoid common pitfalls
Check if your PEI glass plate is flat since J1/J1s heavily relies on that. When installing filaments, it is recommended to follow the steps below: (1) Pull out the Teflon tube on the top of toolhead. …
Snapmaker Artisan - Specs - Snapmaker
Snapmaker J1/J1s. Fast Change, Less Waste. Compare Snapmaker Machines Get Help Choosing. Snapmaker Artisan. Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1 3D Printer. Air Purifier. Rotary …
Experience with Snapmaker J1S IDEX? : r/3Dprinting - Reddit
2023年11月9日 · They rely on a very flat (thick glass with PEI) print bed to mitigate flatness instead of a mesh, also because IDEX. For the most part adhesion is said to be very good. …
Snapmaker J1s Fastest IDEX 3D Printer - Snapmaker US
The Snapmaker J1s IDEX 3D printer features a one-piece die-cast build platform and base, paired with an all-aluminum frame. This heavy-duty structure enhances the printer's rigidity and …
- 评论数: 33
Cheaper bed replacement? - Snapmaker J1/J1s - Snapmaker: …
2024年9月19日 · For me $50 for a years use is cheap. You can use the other, flat side of the plate coated with capton foil. It gives an excellent adhesion and can be renewed as often as it is …
Snapmaker J1/J1s 3D 打印机:快速入门指南
请阅读以下内容以完成 J1 的组装。 前往 https://snapmaker.cn 下载并安装我们的切片软件。 使用切片软件对准备好的模型进行切片,生成 G 代码。 将 G 代码文件通过 Wi-Fi 或 U 盘传送至打 …