MC38 目录号:SCSP-5431 细胞名称: 小鼠结肠癌细胞MC38, 又名MC-38、MCA-38、Mouse Colon 38等细胞描述:MC38 细胞由Tan 等使用1,2- 二甲基肼诱导C57BL/6小鼠产生结肠腺癌后,取 组织再经去除成纤维细胞后获得的结. 肠腺癌上皮细胞系。这是一种在大肠癌研究中广泛使用的小鼠细胞模型,这 些细胞表现出很高的突变速率,使其对免疫检查点抑. 制剂治疗高度敏感。MC38 细胞表达claudin-1 和SATB2等结肠标志物,这对于研究结肠腺癌的基因组和表观基因组以及探寻潜在的. …
The half-life of dsRNA in MC38K cells overexpressing DDX60. Statistical analyses were done as in Fig.1I. Ddx60 knockdown in iKAP cells was confirmed by protein immunoblot. The indicated cells analyzed by J2 pulldown followed by RT-qPCR. n = 3 in each group, mean ± SD, two-tailed t-test. ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001.
Oncogenic KRAS drives immunosuppression of colorectal cancer …
2024年10月4日 · Immunofluorescence (IF) staining using a specific dsRNA antibody (J2) demonstrated that KRAS G12D extinction (dox off) markedly increased dsRNA signals in both iKAP tumors (Fig. 1A) and primary cultured iKAP cells (Fig. 1B).
DOWNLOADS 2024 MC38 ACT 3 APPENDIX - download 2024 MC38 Combined NOR & SI's FOR SEASON - DOWNLOAD MC38 2023 Season APPENDIX UF - DOWNLOAD McConaghy 38 One Design (MC38) Class Rule, NOVEMBER 2020 - DOWNLOAD Changes to Build Specifications, NOVEMBER 2020 - DOWNLOAD MC38 Class Approved Modifications, NOVEMBER 2020 - DOWNLOAD
MC38-hCLDN 18.2 - 南模生物
PD-1 humanized mouse model implanted with MC38-hCLDN18.2 tumors to evaluate the in vivo antitumor efficacy of anti-hCLDN18.2 mAb alone and in combination with Keytruda.
Triggering endogenous Z-RNA sensing for anti-tumor therapy …
2023年11月28日 · Moreover, we checked the co-staining of Z-RNA by the Z22 antibody and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) by the J2 antibody in the MC38 cells in either steady or arsenite treatment (Figure S1Q). We found that the immunofluorescence intensity of Z-RNA but not dsRNA could be promoted by the stimuli.
碧云天生物技术-MC38 (小鼠结肠癌细胞) (C7399) - Beyotime
STR结果可以与ATCC、DSMZ及中国国家实验细胞资源共享平台等网站的数据库进行比对,匹配度80%以上即可认为该细胞系正确。 本产品会根据细胞是否正在培养、目的地距离等因素确定运输方式:冷冻的细胞冻存管 (干冰)、一小瓶贴壁培养的细胞或一小瓶/管悬浮培养的细胞 (常温)。 为了更好地耐受长途运输和环境温度等变化,对于正常贴壁培养的细胞,也可能会以悬浮的形式培养在细胞培养瓶或离心管中进行运输。 对于干冰运输的冻存细胞,若干冰已经完全融化,请立即 …
结论: 该细胞STR 鉴定正确。 冻存细胞: 如果是干冰运输的冻存细胞, 收到后请立即转入液氮储存或短暂(24H) 放至-80°C冰箱保存, 或直接进行细胞复苏。 活细胞: 如果是T25 瓶活细胞运输, 收到后用75% 的酒精对T25 瓶外表面进行消毒,之后放在5%CO2、37°C 的细胞培养箱静置2h,静置后取出细胞瓶在显微镜下观察细胞贴壁情况和细胞汇合度, 分别在100X 和40X 下各拍2 个不同视野的细胞拍照记录。 如果汇合度达到80%以上的传代密度, 可以进行传代操作, 如果细胞汇合度没有 …
B-HLA-A2.1 MC38|百奥赛图官网 - biocytogen.com.cn
HLA-A2.1 expression analysis in B-HLA-A2.1 MC38 by flow cytometry. Single cell suspensions from wild-type MC38 and B-HLA-A2.1 MC38 #2-D04 cultures were detected with species-specific anti-HLA-A2.1 antibody (Biolegend, 343306). Human HLA-A2.1 was detected on the surface of B-HLA-A2.1 MC38 but not wild-type MC38. Tumor growth curve & body weight ...
OriCell®MC38 小鼠结肠癌细胞系_价格_厂家_科研试剂-OriCell品 …
小鼠结肠癌细胞系(MC38)来源于长期暴露于致癌物 DMH (1,2-二甲基肼二盐酸盐)的 C57BL6 小鼠结肠肿瘤组织,具有上皮细胞样形态,贴壁生长,并可皮下成瘤。
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