Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Wikipedia
The Fairchild-Dornier 328JET is a commuter airliner, based upon the turboprop -powered Dornier 328, developed by the German aircraft manufacturer Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH. It would be the last Dornier-designed aircraft to reach production before …
Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Aero Corner
J328 Price: US$12 million (2002) Performance; Weights; Dimensions; Avionics: Honeywell Primus 2000 Engine: 2x 2 X Pratt And Whitney PW306B ... British Airways- Dornier 328-300 JET 'OY-NCM' credit: Riik@mctr. Fairchild Dornier 328-300 328JET 'N328DA' credit: Tomás Del Coro. Fairchild Dornier 328-300 328JET 'N328DA'
FAIRCHILD DORNIER 328JET - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Regional airliner. In service since 1999. Regional jet airliner development in the 30 seat class. Based on the FAIRCHILD DORNIER 328 turboprop airliner. Corporate model Envoy 3. A 40 Seat version 428Jet was dropped from the development in …
海航仙童多尼尔328 JET飞机最后的荣耀 - 民用航空网
2017年12月8日 · “小刀”的全名是Dornier 328 JET飞机,于1991年首次飞行,是德国仙童.多尼尔公司( Fairchild Dornier )的旗舰机型。因与波音、空客等国内客机相比其机身更加短小,形如刀状,故被海航人亲切的称呼为“小刀”。
Fairchild Dornier 328 - Airport Technology
The Fairchild Dornier 328 turboprop is a 32-seat turboprop powered regional airliner. It has 6ft 2in stand-up headroom in the aisle, large overhead bins and a full size galley and lavatory. Its cruising speed is 335 knots (385mph).
J328 - Aircraft Performance Database
2 x 26,9 kN P&W PW306B turbofans. A searchable database of aircarft with recognition and performance data.
FAIRCHILD DORNIER 328 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Jet powered derivative 328JET. 2 x 1.815 SHP or 2 x 2.180 SHP take-off rated for short field P&W PW119A turboprops with 6 blade propellers. High speed, short range commuter airliner. In service since 1993. Turboprop regional airliner development in the 30 seat class.
使用 Dornier 328 (J328) 喷气式飞机的航空公司 - SeatMaps
多尼尔328是一种双涡轮螺旋桨支线客机和通用飞机,由德国航空航天公司多尼尔飞行器有限公司开发和制造。 它的载客量可达32人,航程可达1,245海里(2,298公里)。 它由两台加拿大普拉特-惠特尼公司的PW119B发动机驱动。 多尼尔328于1991年首飞,1992年进入商业服务。 它主要被区域航空公司用于短途航线和作为小型企业运输。 多尼尔328也被用于军事和政府角色,如海上巡逻机、运输机和培训机。 该机在20世纪90年代末停止生产,但仍有一些在不同国家服役。 我 …
Airborne Fairchild Dornier 328JET (twin-jet) (J328) Aircraft
Fairchild Dornier 328JET (twin-jet) (J328) aircraft type complete tracking. Explore live maps, departures, arrivals and more with FlightAware.
Fairchild Dornier's 328JET - Business Jet Traveler
Yet, despite its somewhat jaded lineage, the 328JET (Model 328-300/310) poses a unique value: a modern, fuel-efficient aircraft with a large Gulfstream IV-sized cabin for a price equal to or in some cases less than what you'd pay for a new turboprop. You can find fully refurbished, ready-to-fly 328s for less than $6 million.