Chengdu J-36 - Wikipedia
The Chengdu J-36 (Chinese: 歼-36; pinyin: jiānsānliù) is a speculative designation given by military analysts to a trijet tailless double-delta winged aircraft under development by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC). On 26 December 2024, an aircraft believed to be a J-36 was spotted allegedly conducting test flights in Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
中国六代机J-36:第三台发动机之谜! WS-15?亚燃冲压?旋转爆 …
2025年1月2日 · 目前WS-15网上流传的数据是18.5吨推力(加力推力),3台会达到55.5吨推力,最大起飞重量时推重比都能超过1.1,所以这三台WS-15的推动下,能让J-36的机动性能爆棚! 所以三发都是WS-15的可能性也是有的。 那么是不是中国的发动机不好呢? 假设美国的NGAD也是50吨最大起飞重量,按F-22的发动机18吨2台也是不够,即使用变循环发动机也只有40吨+还是有不少差距。 所以用三台发动机搞定推力,不失为一种务实的解决办法; 两台发动机是不是 …
J-36: China 6th Gen Combat Aircraft – A Comprehensive Analysis
2025年1月3日 · The J-36, China’s newest combat aircraft, has captured global attention since its maiden flight over Chengdu on December 26, 2024, sparking intense discussion about its capabilities and implications for global air power dynamics.
Chengdu J-36: Analysis of China’s 6th-Gen Fighter Aircraft
2025年1月6日 · Through a series of controlled leaks, China revealed a relatively large tailless diamond-wing design from Chengdu dubbed the J-36 (based on its airframe number #36011) and a smaller, but still large, tailless “lambda-wing” platform Shenyang (unofficially called J …
新型六代战机J-36的简单分析和总结 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2011年歼20首次试飞时机头上的编号是“2001”,后明确命名为歼20/j-20。以此为参照,不难推测这款新型战机很可能被正式命名为歼36/j-36/j36。个人推测:不再使用2x的命名,明确表示其为下一代(第六代)战机。 2、j36的基本特征
J-36: Assessing China’s New Generation Combat Aircraft
2024年12月30日 · On December 26 in the city of Chengdu, China, a new generation, stealthy combat aircraft made by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation (CAC) had its maiden flight. Images and videos emerged in near real...
China’s J-36 Stealth Aircraft: Analyzing Design and Capabilities
2025年1月6日 · These aircraft feature a groundbreaking tailless design, a hallmark of sixth-generation fighters previously unseen in operational aircraft. China’s pursuit of advanced combat aviation aligns with its broader strategic objective of enhancing military capabilities.
Breaking Down the J-36: A Potential Sixth-Generation Stealth …
2024年12月27日 · Therefore, for now, we can tentatively call this new aircraft by Chengdu Aircraft Industry the J-36. From the images, the aircraft appears to feature a double-swept delta wing waverider configuration with no vertical tail, lateral caret inlets, and a design suggesting superior stealth capabilities compared to the J-20.
关于成飞新战机J36的几点猜想 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
关于成飞新战机j36的几点猜想 从图一及图五可清晰看到机身编号36011,按以往成飞j10和j20编号规律,可以有以下猜想: 1️⃣此机应该为j36。 2️⃣尾号11代表试飞至今已经至少生产了11架。
J36翼展这么大,能长时间高超音速巡航吗? - 知乎
没错,J-36的重点优化方向正是超音速巡航,这也是怒上三发的直接动因。 在此之前,我们需要知道两个基本概念,即“马赫角”(Mach angle)和“亚音速前缘”(Subsonic leading edge)。 马 …