Chengdu J-7 - Wikipedia
The Chengdu J-7 (Chinese: 歼-7; third generation export version F-7; NATO reporting name: Fishcan[1]) is a Chinese fighter aircraft. It is a license-built version of the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21, and thus shares many similarities with that aircraft. [2]
歼-7 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
殲-7,是 中華人民共和國 獲得 苏联 技轉生產的 米格-21戰鬥機,该机型北约代号与其原型机相同,为“鱼床(Fishbed)”。 歼-7采取 三角翼,单座单发,机头进气的设计,殲7技轉期間因 中蘇交惡 終止蘇聯技術支援,中共航空工業後解析消化其技術,達成飛機全國產化,並持續改良。 1965年9月由中国 沈阳飞机制造厂 制造第一架歼7的組装,1966年12月28日正式定型並量产,后来将生产线转移至成都飞机制造厂和贵州飞机制造厂,并于2013年停产 [1]。 前后共生产了 …
歼-7 - 百度百科
歼-7(中国代号:J-7,英文:Chengdu J-7/F-7 fighter aircraft [1],北约代号:Fishbed,译文:鱼窝)战斗机,是20世纪60年代中国沈阳飞机制造厂研制的一型单座单发超音速喷气式战斗机。
List of Chengdu J-7 variants - Wikipedia
The following is a list of variants and specifications for variants of the Chengdu J-7, which differed considerably between models in its 48 years of its production run. Production of the J-7 ceased after delivering of 16 F-7BGIs to the Bangladesh Air Force in 2013.
殲-7 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
殲-7,是 中華人民共和國 獲得 蘇聯 技轉生產的 米格-21戰鬥機,該機型北約代號與其原型機相同,為「魚床(Fishbed)」。 殲-7採取 三角翼,單座單發,機頭進氣的設計,殲7技轉期間因 中蘇交惡 終止蘇聯技術支援,中共航空工業後解析消化其技術,達成飛機全國產化,並持續改良。 1965年9月由中國 瀋陽飛機製造廠 製造第一架殲7的組裝,1966年12月28日正式定型並量產,後來將生產線轉移至成都飛機製造廠和貴州飛機製造廠,並於2013年停產 [1]。 前後共生產了 …
J-7 F-7 Chengdu - Army Recognition
2024年8月8日 · The Chengdu Jian-7 (Export version F-7 NATO codename: Fishbed) is a People's Republic of China license built version of the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21. The J-7 was designed as an interceptor fighter with secondary capability for ground attack.
Chengdu (AVIC) J-7 / F-7 (Fishcan) - Military Factory
2022年9月14日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Chengdu (AVIC) J-7 / F-7 (Fishcan) Interceptor / Strike Fighter Aircraft including pictures.
J-7 / F-7 Fighter Aircraft - Air Force Technology
2020年7月17日 · J-7 is a single-engine, lightweight fighter aircraft designed and manufactured by Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) of China. Its design is based on its predecessor, the MiG-21 aircraft.
Chengdu J-7 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Chengdu J-7 is a Chinese license-built version of the Russian supersonic jet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21. The aircraft was produced from 1965 to 2013 and remains in service mostly as an interceptor aircraft in various air forces, which includes the People’s Liberation Army Air Force.
J-7 (Jian-7 Fighter aircraft 7) / F-7 - GlobalSecurity.org
As the main force in China's second-generation fighter jet fleet and the country's most experienced fighter jet currently still in service, the J-7 has a ceiling of more than 20,000 meters...