The Stratasys J750™ 3D Printer delivers unrivaled aesthetic performance including true, full-color capability with texture mapping and color gradients. Create prototypes that look, feel and operate like finished products, without the need for painting or assembly, thanks to the Stratasys J750’s wide range of material properties.
Stratasys J735TM 和J750TM 3D 打印机能带来无与伦比的美感表现,包括纹理映射和颜色渐变的逼真全彩颜色功能。 J735 和 J750 打印机都已经过 PANTONE 认证。 这让 Pantone 配色系统 (Pantone Matching System, PMS) 的颜色首次可以在 3D 打印方案中得到运用。 这些打印机材料特性广泛,可以制作外观、质感和操作性与成品别无二致的原型,且无需上色或组装。 可供选择的令人惊艳的颜色组合,加上多材料特性,Stratasys J735 和Stratasys J750 能够将您最富想象力的创 …
J750 spec sheet - STRATASYS GMBH - PDF Catalogs | Technical ...
Create prototypes that look, feel and operate like finished products, without the need for painting or assembly, thanks to the Stratasys J750’s wide range of material properties. With an astounding 360,000+ color combinations to choose from and multi-material capability, the Stratasys J750 allows you to bring even your most imaginative ideas ...
stratasysJ750 | Stratasys官网
2024年9月30日 · Stratasys J750是一款高级3D打印建模机,它能够在单个打印过程中使用多种颜色和材料。 它采用了多喷头技术,每个喷头都能够打印不同颜色和材质的细致图案。
STRATASYS J750 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
It explains how to use features, and provides practical examples to guide you as you use the system. The text and figures in this guide are based on the J750 3D printer, software version 85.1.0.
The Stratasys J750™ 3D Printer delivers unrivaled aesthetic performance including true, full-color capability with texture mapping and color gradients. Create prototypes that look, feel and operate like finished products, without the need for painting or assembly, thanks to the Stratasys J750’s wide range of material properties.
J750硬件参数手册:您的硬件配置指南 - CSDN博客
2024年9月26日 · 这份手册涵盖了J750和J750Ex型号的多种硬件参数,具体包括: APMU Specifications: 电源管理单元的详细规格。 CTO Specifications: 时钟和触发单元的详细规格。 DPS Specifications: 数字电源系统的详细规格。 HDVIS Specifications: 高速视频接口的详细规格。
Introducing the New J750 From Stratasys
With exact color matching and high accuracy, make perfect prototypes a reality with the Stratasys J750. Vivid color, around-the-clock productivity and accuracy to 14 microns, the J750 provides effective designs and efficient products. Even more, production costs 5 to 10 times less than other prototyping methods.
stratasysj750 | Stratasys官网
Stratasys J750是一款先进的3D打印机,被广泛应用于各个行业,以其卓越的打印质量和创新的功能而闻名。 它采用多材料、多颜色的打印技术,能够实现细节精致、色彩鲜艳的打印效果。
J750 - Ultimate full-color, multi-material 3D printer
2016年4月4日 · The new Stratasys J750 3D Printer transforms product design with full color 3D printing and texture mapping to create realistic prototypes in a single print operation, such as these cosmetic tubes.