Gloster Gladiator - Wikipedia
Developed privately as the Gloster SS.37, it was the RAF's last biplane fighter aircraft, and was rendered obsolescent by newer monoplane designs even as it was being introduced. Though often pitted against more advanced fighters during the early days of the Second World War, it acquitted itself reasonably well in combat.
J8A | War Thunder Wiki
The J8A was the service name adopted by Sweden for their Gloster Gladiator Mk II acquired from Great Britain. The first Gloster Gladiator was delivered to the Swedish Air Force on April 15th 1937 and locally designated as the 'Jaktplan 8' (J8).
J 8 - Gloster Gladiator - page 1 - avrosys.nu
At the outbreak of WWII, a squadron of Gladiators was based in most southern part of Sweden. Another squadron, equipped with 12 J8A’s was detached to the voluntary Wing F 19 in Finland. When the Finnish Winter War was over, two Swedish Gladiators had been lost in action.
战雷维基-85 J 8A - 哔哩哔哩
2024年10月31日 · J8A 是瑞典对从英国获得的格洛斯特角斗士 Mk II 所采用的服役名称。第一架格洛斯特角斗士于 1937 年 4 月 15 日交付瑞典空军,瑞典国内将其命名为“Jaktplan 8”(J8)。
如何评价瑞典J8A战斗机? - 知乎
在二战期间,瑞典从美国和意大利进口了200多架飞机,其中包括j8a战斗机。 j8a战斗机在瑞典空军中编号为j8a,曾被派往拉普兰协助芬兰抵挡苏联入侵。1940年1月,一支瑞典志愿者飞行队以f19大队名义来到拉普兰,主力为12架格洛斯特“斗士”mk.ii战斗机。
J-8 Gladiator - ICM Holding
2021年7月5日 · WWII Swedish Fighter In 1936, a new defence resolution was made by the Swedish defence ministry to organise one new fighter wing and four new bomber wings in light of rising tensions in Europe. After a selection process, the Gloster Gladiator was found to be the aircraft most suited to requirements, and an order was made for 55 aircraft, which ...
【战争雷霆载具资料】J8A战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
优点:水平盘旋性能良好,滑行时转弯半径较小,火力较强。 缺点:爬升较慢,升限较低,无外挂武器系统,防护措施较简陋。 建议用法:空战格斗,防空截击,战场遮断。 避免用法:水平穿插,B&Z空战。
J8A - War Thunder Wiki
The J8A is a very effective turn fighter and can hold its own against many early biplanes, but due to its speed, it has the option to turn fight or attempt early Boom & Zoom runs. If flying at an altitude above the enemy aircraft, the J8A can selectively choose targets, swoop down on them and either zoom back up to altitude or zoom away out of ...
Håkans Aviation page - Gloster Gladiator
Most famous is the Gladiator for its exploits overseas, including operations in Norway, Malta and the Western Desert. The Gladiator was also one of Britains biggest export successes before …
Gloster J-8A/Gladiator Mk. II - IPMS/USA Reviews
2013年12月11日 · Consisting of nearly 70 parts cast in soft grey styrene, the kit has a number of good features, including two sets of wheels, one flattened and one round, internal machine guns, several carburetor intakes, two props (Watts and Fairey-Reed),skis of the Swedish variety (The Norwegian skis were different), a step, starter crank handle, and two tail...