Shenyang J-8 - Wikipedia
Design work was completed in September and a full-size mock-up completed and reviewed by December. The Shenyang Aircraft Factory was expected to complete a prototype by the end of 1966, but Gao Fangqi – its chief engineer – died and his successor, Liu Hongzhi, was dismissed in November 1966 during the Cultural Revolution .
歼-8 - 百度百科
歼-8(英文:Shenyang J-8或F-8,北约代号:Finback,中文:长须鲸)战斗机,是中国沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司(简称:沈飞)在20世纪60年代开始设计研制的双发高空高速截击战斗机(歼击机),属于 第二代战斗机,也被称为世界上最后一种第二代战斗机。 是 中国空军 和 中国海军航空兵 20世纪80年代至21世纪初主力战斗机种之一,正逐步退役,被歼-10和歼-11所取代。 歼-8主要承担制空与拦截任务。 在设计上参考了苏制米格-21战斗机(歼-7),装备两台WP-7甲 …
J-8B - War Thunder Wiki
The J-8B is more than 20 m in length and 5.4 m in height, making it the largest of the Rank VII fighters in all dimensions except wingspan, but it has a lower empty weight than the F-4 Phantom or even the MiG-23.
Shenyang J-8 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Shenyang J-8 is a twin-engine single-seat interceptor fighter aircraft produced by the Chinese state-owned manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. It is in service with the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force and Navy Air Force.
中系空军开线用歼7e好,还是歼8b好? - 百度贴吧
2025年1月10日 · 现在歼7E和歼8b都是11.3。 买哪一个空战游玩体验更好? 🤔. 那只能选J8B了,J7E不适合你。 但归根结底,这两个都不适合你。 如果你需要那种锁上就能强杀的飞弹。 那么也许你可以买个枭龙开线。 j7d大壮丁你都嫌难受的话,j7ej8b大壮丁了你不就炸了吗? 遍地雷达弹加上野牛头瞄r73. 答案是强5L,9.3的超音速+1-4个战区任选+热诱。 中系空军开线用歼7e..已经购入歼7d,发现PL5B班长房碾压,壮丁局吃雷达弹的史。 现在歼7E和歼8b都是11.3。 买哪一 …
SHENYANG F-8T - J8B L2J M/G - Doc8643
The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Doc 8643 document contains designators for those aircraft types which are most commonly provided with air traffic service (ATS)
歼-8B - 战争雷霆中文Wiki
2024年9月29日 · 歼-8B长 20 多米,高 5.4 米,是除翼展外所有尺寸最大的七级战斗机,但空重低于 F-4 鬼怪,甚至低于 米格-23。 歼-8B配备的两台涡喷-13发动机和本身极佳的空气动力学设计使其具有出色的加速和爬升能力,非常适合其作为高空拦截机,并且在紧急情况下仍然可以转身进入狗斗,故北约称之为“长须鲸”。 然而,歼-8B仍然是歼-8II系列的早期型号,并且有一些怪癖。 国产 208A 型雷达具有与米格-21的 Sapfir-22 火控雷达两倍的最大搜索范围和120度扫描角,但没有 …
2024年11月15日 · 雷达太烂了,有时候两根蝮蛇都打不出去,等于就两根pl5b,机体和j7e也不是一个水平的。j7e左飞五千米偷人比j8b玩起来舒服多了
J-8B | War Thunder Wiki
The J-8B is more than 20 m in length and 5.4 m in height, making it the largest of the Rank VII fighters in all dimensions except wingspan, but it has a lower empty weight than the F-4 Phantom or even the MiG-23.
Shenyang (AVIC) J-8 / J-8 II (Finback) - Military Equipment Guide …
The J-8 IIB is of course advertised as an upgraded J-8II, which also adopts the NATO codename "Finback-B" , equipped with two WP-13AII turbojets and a series of 23mm 23-III cannons. Likewise, the fly-by-wire development model is represented by the J-8II-BW2/J-8IIACT. The J-8 IID is equipped with air Refuel the probe.
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