Mitsubishi J8M - Wikipedia
The Mitsubishi J8M Shūsui (Japanese: 三菱 J8M 秋水, literally "Autumn Water", used as a poetic term meaning "Sharp Sword", deriving from the swishing sound of a sword) is a Japanese World War II rocket -powered interceptor aircraft closely based on …
“木火云水”——二战末期日本最后的喷射挣扎 - 哔哩哔哩
三菱在1944年9月完成了J8M1的模型制作,即MXY8 “秋草”。 1944年12月,MXY8完成,在滑翔实验中取得成功。海航开始建造另一个原型,编号Ku-13。 海航还提出了一种更先进的教练机,命名为MXY9“秋火”,由2 kN推力Tsu-11函道风扇发动机提供动力。
日本海军秋水喷气式战斗机 - 百度百科
名称“秋水”是日本的宝剑名,是日本海军和日本陆军共同从事的项目,海军负责研制飞机而陆军负责研制发动机,事成的话,海军的编号J8M,而陆军的编号为Ki-200。 (两者均无盟军代号)秋水曾在1945年7月7日进行过一次试飞,后因二战结束未能赶上参战。
Mitsubishi J8M1 'Shusui' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
Manufactured in Nagoya, Japan and delivered in March 1945, the Museum’s J8M1 Shusui is one of only two aircraft that survive from the original seven that were built. In late 1945, two captured J8M1 aircraft were sent from Japan to the United States for evaluation; this 1945 photo shows the Museum's J8M1 after arrival in the USA.
2023年2月5日 · 海军版代号J8M1,名为“秋水”,陆军版代号Ki-200。 J8M 秋水试验用原型机涂装想象图. 日本仿制版全重1.5吨,使用特吕二号(KR10)火箭式引擎,最大推力1.5吨,最高时速770公里每小时,“秋水”战斗机的武器配备为两翼翼根配备五式30毫米航炮,每门备弹50发。 秋水拥有极佳的爬升拦截能力,可以在3~3.5分钟内爬升至万米高空。 但是特吕二号(KR10)火箭式引擎燃料消耗巨大,持续作战能力极差,剩余的燃料仅能维持1~3分钟的空战。 特吕二号火箭发 …
Remembering the Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui rocket-powered …
2018年11月24日 · The resulting aircraft, designated the J8M1 Shusui (“Sharp Sword”) by the IJNAF and the Ki-200 by the IJAAF, were to be built by Mitsubishi. The Japanese also built their own version of the Walter HWK 109-509 engine at the …
Mitsubishi J8M Shusui. Fighter-Interceptor
Shortly after work began on Mitsubishi on the design of the J8M1, the Navy ordered the 1st Naval Aviation Technical Arsenal in Yokosuka to develop an airframe of a similar design to evaluate the controllability of a future missile interceptor, as well as to use it for pilot training.
Mitsubishi J8M (Shusui) Rocket-Powered Interceptor Aircraft
2019年6月4日 · The J8M1 was the initial aircraft designation armed with 2 x 30mm cannons and this was followed by the J8M2 for the IJN with its 1 x 30mm cannon armament. The J8M3 would have featured an elongated fuselage and wider wing span while being powered by a Tokuro-3 series engine of 4,400lbs thrust.
Mitsubishi J8M | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mitsubishi J8M Shūsui (Japanese: 三菱 J8M 秋水, literally "Autumn Water", used as a poetic term meaning "Sharp Sword" deriving from the swishing sound swords make) was a Japanese World War II rocket -powered interceptor aircraft closely …
j8m1秋水 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月24日 · 发动机:推力1500kg KR-10 [ 特吕2号 ] 液态火箭发动机 ×1. 最大起飞重量:3,870千克. 主要型号: 1、秋水 (J8M1) 海军的编号。 2、秋水 (KI 200) 陆军的编号。 3、特殊练习机 秋草 [ MXY8 ] 无动力滑翔练习用机。 搜狗百科词条内容由用户共同创建和维护,不代表搜狗百科立场。 如果您需要医学、法律、投资理财等专业领域的建议,我们强烈建议您独自对内容的可信性进行评估,并咨询相关专业人士。