J/92 Info - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2008年8月16日 · Last year, my first with the boat, I raced against the PHRF 111+ crowd (Olson 30, J/27, J/30, S2 9.1, ...) on Wednesday nights and cleaned up with a green crew and very little attention to the finer details such as rig tune.
J 92 Opinions - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2004年10月13日 · The 92 is closer to a 105 in that its more of a displacement boat that you can cruise too. We have cruised ours to the Channel Islands and have had a nice time. I don't own the 92 so I can be, shall I say 'Frank', but the boat is a good middle of the road boat. Not a planning Melges 24 and not a pig 105. In the Pic we are working a 105 boat for ...
J/92 - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2009年11月11日 · Sailed on a J92 out of liverpool, UK. Great boat, we raced her on the Mersey every weekend, as well as across to Isle of Man and around the top end of Wales. Jenievive is a very responsive boat, won us many races only down side was it gets a little cold on the rail due to the low free board. My avitar is a me on the bow of friend's J92 in Dubai..
j/92 light air performance - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2005年7月31日 · J/92 was not built to be a fast light air boat, it's a small 105 basically. The upshot is that it is a comfortable boat with accomodations. Boats are compromises, for every gain, there is something to give up, unless you have unlimited …
J/92 Owners - Google Groups
2019年10月9日 · Welcome to the J/92 Owners forum, for discussions about all things related to the J/Boats J/92 and J/92s models.
J/92s or what other boat to buy? | Sailing Anarchy Forums
2021年9月16日 · I have owned / raced J80/92/105/109 and by far the best boat pound for pound was the J92 If you are on a budget get a 92 vs 92s. S gets you deeper keel, mast head kite, shrouds to gunwhale and is a better boat as a result but more expensive My 92 was built in 1999, I recall the 92S was launched around 2003 ?
Best PHRF Boat Options? - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2005年10月29日 · Gotta buy a PHRF boat for Lake Michigan to sail in Chicago, Muskegon and Harbor Springs and Queens Cup. Want a PHRF boat that can really haul and can sail to its rating for between 90-168. Thinking of something 25-35 feet. J92 and J29 have bothe been mentioned! Let the discussion begin...
j/92 vs. j/29 - Google Groups
2010年1月30日 · J35 (PHRF--66-72 sec/mile) gives the J92 approximately 30 minutes in a 54 hr., 330 mile Mac race. Bottomline-it is extremely tough to sail the J92 to its ORR rating unless the winds are light to moderate in close reaching conditions. The J29 is a great boat, but I prefer our J92. We are very competitive
J92 Ragtime for sale - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2009年1月2日 · The J90 is a real sport boat - the J92 is in the J105 camp . U. ULDBGuy Banned. 1,051 1. Jan 2, 2009 #4
J-80 vs. J-90 - Sailing Anarchy Forums
2004年7月28日 · Yes, great boat, but expensive, $150K new in 1998 (everything is carbon on this boat from the hull, spars, down to the tiller) and zero accomodations down below. Not exactly a family day sailor, hard to get spousal approval on this boat. This may have been why the 105 took off in the same time frame as it sits in the same price range.