JA Company Program - Junior Achievement USA
JA Company Program® empowers high school students to fill a need or solve a problem in their community and teaches them practical skills required to conceptualize, capitalize, and manage their own business venture. Community volunteers and mentors provide real-world guidance and experience to the student-led startup.
JA Company Program - JA Worldwide
Launched in 1919, the JA Company Program offers students in high school and college the opportunity to move a business idea from concept to reality. The program provides teachers with a series of learning-by-doing business, economics, and entrepreneurship activities, while experienced business professionals mentor students.
JA青年創業體驗計劃 - Junior Achievement Hong Kong
學生在義務商界顧問的指導下自組學生公司,於真實商業環境中運作,並於2025年3月參與大型香港青年創意實驗概念店,將產品向公眾推廣及銷售。 在2024/25年度為期七個月的創業之旅,學生將參與計劃所提供的全面學習活動,為新經濟及未來職場做好準備。 全年最佳 JA學生公司將代表香港參與JA 亞太區比賽。 在計劃中表現卓越的學生亦會被選為全年傑出CP學生。
JA Company Program - JA Canada
JA Company Program transfers students into tomorrows leaders by helping them to understand how to run a successful business enterprise. Access free online programs at the JA Campus. Programs offered on the JA Campus allow students to learn on an easy-to-use platform and test their knowledge through fun interactive exercises.
JA Company Programme - Junior Achievement Hong Kong
HSBC x JA Company Programme enables students’ all-rounded personal growth from creativity and entrepreneurial mindset, goal-setting, creative problem-solving, teamwork, communication, digital technology, to agility and resilience.
JA Company of the Year - JA Asia Pacific - COY
In conjunction with JA Japan’s 30th year anniversary, the JA Asia Pacific Company of the Year (COY) Competition will be held in-person from 10th-14th March 2025 in Tokyo, Japan. The 15th edition of this JA COY Competition brings together 12 JA Members from the Asia Pacific region, represented by 21 Student Companies.
JA Worldwide
For over 100 years, JA has operated all over the world—including in refugee camps, countries wracked by war and violence, and areas of extreme poverty. By helping youth develop the employment and entrepreneurial tools to find meaningful work and start sustainable companies, JA serves as a conduit for peace and prosperity.
JA Company Program empowers teens and young adults to fill a need or solve a problem in their community and teaches them practical skills required to conceptualize, capitalize, and manage their own business venture.
JA Company Program empowers teens and young adults to fill a need or solve a problem in their community and teaches them practical skills required to conceptualize, capitalize, and manage their own business venture. Throughout the process of building their own company, participants collaborate, make crucial business
JA Company Program
JA Company Program empowers high school students to fill a need or solve a problem in their community and teaches them practical skills required to conceptualize, capitalize, and manage their own business venture. Community volunteers and mentors provide real-world guidance and experience to the student-led startup.