JAST BLUE is the boys' love focused brand of visual novel publisher JAST USA, dedicated to bringing high-quality boys' love titles to the west. Our first release, NITRO CHiRAL's sweet pool, was timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the game's original release in Japanese.
JAST BLUE - DRAMAtical Murder
2021年4月7日 · JAST BLUE; Games; DRAMAtical Murder; DRAMAtical Murder. Aoba's vibrant cyberpunk world is one of contrasts: high-tech virtual reality battles versus street gang turf wars, ultra-exclusive luxury resorts and tiny junk shops. The choices you make will shape the path of Aoba's journey into the dark secrets lurking beneath the glossy sheen of the city.
JAST BLUE; Games; Paradise; Paradise. Story. Azuma thinks luck is finally on his side when he wins a holiday to a deserted island. He meets the other vacationers and settles in for a relaxing time. But when the boat with their food supplies doesn’t show up, and the radio stops working, things begin to go downhill fast. Can Azuma survive the ...
2019年12月28日 · JAST BLUE; Games; sweet pool; sweet pool. After yet another long stay in the hospital, Sakiyama Youji hoped that things would finally get back to normal. But shortly after returning to school, his world begins to change -- and no one seems to notice.
JAST BLUE; Games; Togainu no Chi ~ Lost Blood ~ Togainu no Chi ~ Lost Blood ~ Nitro+CHiRAL’s debut title. As Japan recovers from the devastation of World War Three, a young man is framed for murder and forced to risk everything for his freedom. Game Info. Title: Togainu no Chi - Lost Blood: Genre: ADV: Release Date: Jan 24, 2020:
Staging: Toho Juppun Dev Diary Toho Juppun The event that impacted me the most during development of Slow Damage was the story of a cat. "One day, I spotted our lead artist, who we'll call Y, looking deeply conflicted.
The point of all this wordplay vomit is to set up for a shot into the blue. Bear with me. By now, you're probably trembling in horror at the vocabulary defying depth of my love for Usui.
総合演出:千代子黎人(Staging:Chiyoko Reito/Choco Late) Hi there! Hope you had fun playing sweet pool. This time around, I served as the staging director as well as the person in charge of system scripting.