JB4 setting chart - BIMMERPOST
2021年5月11日 · Map 1: 13psi. Suggested for most racing applications. Map 2: 14.5psi. Suggested for those with intake and other bolt on modifications with 93 RM2 or higher octane. Map 3: Progressive WMI water injection mapping with failsafe. Map 4: Stock map w/ CAN active. Allows full logging and in dash gauges on the stock mapping. Map 5: Autotuning map.
JB4 Cheat Sheet - BIMMERPOST
2016年7月23日 · Map 1: Stage1 map adding approximately 40whp and 40wtq across the power band on pump gas. Suitable for all stages and fuel mixtures. Map 2: Slightly more aggressive version of map 1 intended for vehicles with exhaust modifications and 93+ octane fuel. Can also be used with E85 and racing fuel mixtures. Requires Stage2.
N20 JB4 settings - BIMMERPOST
2018年2月21日 · I'm sure there are a lot of folks here running JB4 on Map1 or Map2 on their N20s. Do you guys just pretty much keep the stock settings in JB4? Also what kinda gas mileage are you guys getting on what maps?
JB4 Map Profiles - Infiniti Q50 Forum
2018年7月9日 · The JB4 maps are currently as follows: Map0 - JB4 disabled Map1 - 4psi peak Map2 - 5psi peak Map3 - User Adjustable fixed boost map (similar to Stage1) where “boost safety” setting on the user adjustment page determines boost added across the power band. Map4 - Stock boost with CANbus active for data logging Map5 - 6psi peak
2023年3月15日 · "Map6: Custom tuning map allowing both additive (below 10psi) and absolute (above 10psi) targeting. Setting RPM1500 boost below 5.7psi will make entire map6 additive, setting above 6psi will make entire map6 absolute target." Edit: Matt I'd love to see the log for that tune if you have it...
Those running JB4 (Map Guide) - SupraMKV
2020年5月8日 · Map4: Additive map with peak of 6.5psi over stock added (93+ octane) Map5: Additive map with peak of 6psi over stock added & more aggressive timing profile for higher octane fuel (experimental, 93+ octane, bolt on modifications) Map6: Custom tuning map allowing both additive (below 10psi) and absolute (above 10psi) targeting
What map are you using? (JB4) - SupraMKV
2019年12月27日 · For folks running 93+ maps on JB4, what level octane are you running? Map4: Absolute target map with peak of 20psi target (93+ and/or E30 octane) suggested for higher boost models like G chassis, Supra, and Z4. EWG required for proper control.
JB4 Map 1 vs. Map 2 vs. Map 7 boost settings - BIMMERPOST
2015年10月11日 · Map 1 adds around 4psi peak and map 2 adds around 6psi peak. The factory boost can vary from 16psi to 20psi. Map 7 is an absolute target map that varies from 24psi in colder weather to 27psi in warmer weather.
JB4 tuning tips and tricks - BIMMERPOST
2022年9月1日 · If you scroll down on the same settings page as the map 6 settings, you can put in ‘Boost drop 1st’ that will work on any map. Just a hunch but I bet with a near-stock 1st gear psi and 27-28 psi after this thing will fly.
JB4 S55 v3.6 Map Changing & Map Guide - BIMMERPOST
2014年11月7日 · BMS has revised the JB4 S55 map switching to allow you to select various maps right from the drivers seat. This quick video shows you the process and below it is the current JB4 S55 map list. You can go from mild to wild and back again in seconds. Map 1: Stage1 map adding approximately 40whp and 40wtq across the power band on pump gas.