AT420 - Adjustable Thermal Tweezers
Thanks to the new design, cartridges can be perfectly aligned vertically and roationally in order to adapt them to the geometry of the components, such as QFP, PLCC, SOIC, and more. AT420 Adjustable Thermal Tweezers can be used with DI, DDE, and DME Control Units by using ATS Stand. AT420 use C420 Cartridge Range. Don’t believe us... TRY IT!
AT420-A JBC TOOLS - 烙铁: 热微型镊子 | 用于焊接台; ESD; 24VAC; JBC …
JBC TOOLS AT420-A | 烙铁: 热微型镊子; 用于焊接台; ESD; 24VAC - 产品在Transfer Multisort Elektronik,查看更多我们的产品
JBC AT420-A - Adjustable Thermal Tweezer | TEquipment
AT420 Adjustable Thermal Tweezers are designed for soldering and desoldering SMDs such as QFP, PLCC, SOIC, etc. Thanks to the new design, cartridges can be perfectly aligned …
HT420 - Thermal Tweezers
HT420 Thermal Tweezers in combination with HTS Stand can be used with DI, DDE and DME Control Units. It requires C420 Cartridges Range. Don’t believe us... TRY IT! 97 x 36 x 22 mm / 0.11 kg. 277 x 73 x 50 mm / 0.18 kg.
C420 - Cartridge Range
C420 Cartridge Range is suitable for soldering and desoldering SMD components, reducing handling time. This cartridges are compatible with HT420 and AT420 Thermal Tweezers. JBC Cartridges last 5 times longer than other brands thanks to JBC Most Efficient Soldering System and Sleep & Hibernation Modes. Cartridges are sold individually.
T12,T20,JBC245,JBC470四合一超级焊台DIY,能自动切换电 …
2022年11月4日 · 目标:做一个四合一焊台,支持T12,T20,JBC245,JBC470四种发热芯。 当然不是同时插4个手柄,而是插1个手柄。 焊台自动识别发热芯型号,自动切换电压。 其中T12,T20,JBC245用24V电压,JBC470用48V电压。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 首先科普一下4种发热芯。 外观对比如下图。 图上的功率都是按官网的功率标的,如果和你认知的不一样就是你错了。 T20,电压27V,功 …
JBC245开源焊台 - CSDN博客
2024年10月21日 · 简介:9号技师开源焊台DIY过程,源链接: T12_JBC210_JBC245通用焊台 - 立创开源硬件平台. 总结放前面,DIY需要使用烙铁! ,材料需要210+,没什么特殊需要推荐 正点原子 T80. 2,电源 --48. 3,GX12插座 --3.89. 4,jbc手柄和烙铁头 --39.8. 5,休眠座 --31.9. 6,DC插座 --0.98. 7,XH2.542P休眠线 --1.15. 8,AC电源插座 --3.67. 按照附件3D打印,按照下图组装. 参考的开口图,为网上找的88*38通用开口,附件的文件稍微有改动。 文章浏览阅 …
JBC原装HT420-A手柄微型热夹镊子焊笔 HT420-A微型热夹设计专为轻松地拆焊/焊接SMD元件,能有效减少操作时间。 HT420-A的控制主机能个别控制2个烙铁芯,以确保最佳的温度精确性及快速温度补偿性能。 它能够提供高达80W输出功率。
JBC HT420-A Hot tweezers
JBC Tools HT420-A enables to align the cartridges according to the needs in order to adapt them to the component. The HT-420-A works with C420 range of cartridges which includes different shapes and sizes for chip components applications such as QFP, PLCC, SOIC, etc.
ASTM A420-2014(中) - 道客巴巴
2019年11月16日 · ASTM A420/A420M-2014 低温用锻制碳钢和合金钢管配件的标准规范 Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature Service