2035 vs 2226 - audioheritage.org
All I can tell you is the 2226 series is a heck of a lot more speaker than the 2035. I imagine JBL's sole reason for using the 2035 is that 90% of its, (2035), users don't need the capabilities of …
Crossover Value Selection - 2226/2446 - audioheritage.org
Driver: JBL 2226H Current Enclosure Volume: 7 cu ft Propossed Enclosure Volume: 5 cu ft I have replaced my Eminence 15" Delta Pro with the JBL 2226H. Reducing my current enclosure to 5 …
Subwoofer Project with JBL 2226 - audioheritage.org
Conceptually, it's kinda interesting, rolling off the rise above 40 Hz like that. WinISD suggests the same approach might work all the way down to a 4 cu.ft. box.
Jbl 2226 & 2227 - audioheritage.org
2004年7月14日 · The problem with the 2220, and by exension its grandchildren 2226 and 2227, is twofold - they have sacrificed the deepest bass for efficiency, and the light cone gives a rising …
Differences in enclosures - 4530 Scoop vs. 4507 JBL?
I am not familiar with the 2226's ability to extend to (and beyond) the 900+ Hz you want. According to the JBL data sheet 1200 Hz is the maximum recommended upper end. Beyond …
2226 and 2227 vs 2205 sim for 4530 please - audioheritage.org
2006年3月21日 · And JBL also recommend 2220A for the 4530 and the 2227H is more like 2220A with a curve line cone. And as you know 4530 don't go below 50 Hz so I don't think 2226H will …
JBL 2226H, 2242H and 2235H - audioheritage.org
2012年11月1日 · Hi, my name is Andreas. I already introduced myself in the "Forum Announcements". I bought a pair of used JBL 2226H and one 2242H from a cinema. I´m …
difference between 2226 and 2227? - audioheritage.org
Jbl 2226 & 2227. By Niklas Nord in forum Lansing Product General Information Replies: 12 Last Post: 07-24 ...
Jbl 2226h - audioheritage.org
2008年9月12日 · You might consider using the JBL 4508 enclosure, or making yourself a pair of them. They are setup for several different JBL 15" transducers, including the 2225J, which, I …
JBL 2226/2446/Be/350hz round wooden Edgar tractix horns
2010年4月13日 · JBL 2226/2446/Be/350hz round wooden Edgar tractix horns Recently there was a thread concerning Be diaphrams in JBL compression drivers which has a wealth on …