2240 | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | English
2240 Information. updated: Oct 2020 645 KB Oct 2020: If any of the links above result in strange characters in your browser, please right-click the file to save it to your computer. Parts & …
The JBL Model 2240H/G is a highly efficient, low frequency transducer designed for sound reinforce- ment applications. It offers an unprecedented com- bination of performance …
JBL 2240 vs 2241 vs 2242 vs 2245 (H) - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240 vs 2241 vs 2242 vs 2245 (H) Hello all, i'm here to figure out the differences between these 4 (sub)woofers, and this seemed the best place to ask. What i will be using the driver for …
JBL 2240H 18-Inch Speaker 8 ohm - Reverb
The JBL 2240H 18" subwoofer driver features a large, high flux, Symmetrical Field Geometry magnetic structure. The SFG magnet design, in combination with a Flux Stabilizing Ring …
JBL 2240Hの仕様 - オーディオの足跡
サウンド・リインフォースメント用に開発された46cmコーン型ウーファーユニット。 SFG型磁気回路や巻幅19mmロングボイスコイルを採用しています。 エッジワウンド銅リボン・ボイ …
JBL 2240H Specifications - Audio Database
A 46 cm cone type woofer unit developed for sound reinforcement. Uses SFG type magnetic circuits and a 19 mm long voice coil. The edge wound copper ribbon voice coil has a …
JBL 2240-H - 18" Subwoofer Speaker 600 Watts - Reverb
This JBL 2240-H 18" Subwoofer Speaker. This came out of a commercial movie theater. It's big. That's a quarter and a pencil in the pic for reference. 600 Watts. It looks brand new except for …
2240: Jbl | $135.00–$700.00 - vintaspeaker.com
With original 2240 18 Jbl drivers. My mains are the Jbl 708p hype on these real as well. Pair of the nostalgic, vintage and mighty Jbl 4518. Easily drives them to their full potential without …
JBL 2240H 18" Woofer Speaker Pair - Reverb
Matched Pair! JBL 2240G High Efficiency 400 Watt 4 Ohm 18" Woofers - Look Excellent - Sound Great!
The JBL Model 2240H is a highly efficient, low frequency transducer designed tor sound reinforcement applications. It offers an unprecedented combination of performance …