JBL 2240H - 2245H Voice Coil - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240H - 2245H Voice Coil Little sunday question , have 2240H + 2245H the same voice coils? Whats about ...
What to do with a 2240H - audioheritage.org
Hello, I picked up a 2240H for $5 at a yard sale and have been pondering what to do with it for the past few months. I've read that it is really more for sound reinforcement applications than for home theater and I also read that it can be used in similar alignments as the 2242H.
JBL 2240 vs 2241 vs 2242 vs 2245 (H) - audioheritage.org
2012年9月9日 · I use two 2240H in a 4642a enclosure for "hifi" use in my living room (my "sattelite" is 4530/2226, 2360a/2445, Beyma TPL150, but that's another story) and finde it very usefull. The frequency range is crossed from 25Hz to 66Hz where the side sattelites take over.
2245H reconed as 2240H what is the result - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240H #24026 2240H #24010 Fs 31.68hz ---31.2hz Qes .32 ---.31 Qms 7.2--- 6.8 Qts .31 ---.3 Le .87mH--- .87mH It will take me a few weeks and break them in before they each get their own 8 cubic ft ported cabs for LF duty between 40hz and 200hz. My room is so small that I don't worry about loading down below 35hz.
Altec 604-8G + JBL 2240... - audioheritage.org
The JBL 2240H could be in something like 8cu' ported box tuned to 35hz ( with a 3rd order LowPass filter set to roll-off a 50hz ) . ( IMHO ) I also believe it would be a pretty bad idea for an inexperienced builder to put it all into one mammoth cabinet without being able to know it will all work first ( by using test cabinets ).
JBL 2240H RECONE SET - audioheritage.org
Hello. Were can i buy these original jbl 2240H 18'' recone sets? And what is a normal price?
!JBL - audioheritage.org
2010年5月12日 · Hi, I´m thinking again of building some scoops for small privat party applications... Either way I`d build four JBL-4530 or two JBL-4520.... So each side will be a Top and two Sub-chassis.. Which driver`s are best suited for this enclosure ? I was thinking of JBL E-140 , E-145 , E-155 , 2240h
Recommended Enclosure for a 2240H as HT Sub?
Recommended Enclosure for a 2240H as HT Sub? ... JBL Pro for home use! 02-27-2015, 12:12 PM #7. Lee in ...
JBL 2240 vs 2245 question - audioheritage.org
I have both a JBL 2240 and a 2245 that I am planning to use for sub-woofers. I have been told and have read several posts that claim they both have the same frame and motor assemblies. If this is in fact true I’m thinking of re-coning the 2240 with the …
JBL 2235h vs. JBL 2240h - audioheritage.org
2010年6月17日 · How would the 2240h in about 9cubic f. each compare to my 15" woofers ? 2235h can handle a lot more conemovement, but 2240h has a lot more conearea.... I think 2235h has an xmax of 9mm whereas 2240 just has 5,5mm. In addition the 2240h seems to have a 25gr lighter cone and stronger magnet e.g. BL-Factor... Does it sound any better ??