JBL 2245H Specifications - Audio Database
A 46 cm cone type woofer unit with rate and high linearity design developed for 4-way monitor 4345 which supports digital recording. The basic structure such as SFG magnetic circuit and …
JBL 2245H 18" 8 Ohm High Power Low-Frequency Woofer Speaker
JBL 2245H 18" 8 Ohm High Power Low-Frequency Woofer Speaker. The JBL Model 2245H is a professional quality low-frequency transducer designed for use in custom studio monitors or …
JBL 2240 vs 2241 vs 2242 vs 2245 (H) - audioheritage.org
2012年9月10日 · A few differences i know is the 2245 uses a foam surround which has less excursion, but if someone can help me find the best woofer for my application i would be very …
JBL 2245 H - diyAudio
2014年7月5日 · If you can manage the Xmax weakness (Hi-pass filter, Limiters, etc) the 2245 is really a great sounding driver, but a sub woofer for HT it is not, too bad because it was JBL's …
jbl 2245h..one great subwoofer. - Audiokarma Home Audio …
2016年6月25日 · Yeah the 2245 is a great subwoofer. I bought a pair of 2240 off of ebay (planning to recone them as 2245) that ended up being 2242's instead. Got those reconed and …
Subwoofer JBL 2245H specifications. - SpeakerBoxLite
Subwoofer JBL 2245H. Diameter 18 inches, Power 150 W. Thiele-Small parameters: frequency of self resonance Fs=20 Hz, equivalent compliance volume Vas=821 l...
JBL 2245H vs 2241H vs 2242H vs 2235H vs TAD 1601 Performance …
2023年6月26日 · The bass is much better with a single 2245. 2242 rolls of the bottom a lot quicker than the 2245 and are designed to be used in pro sound situations where you have a bunch of …
JBL 2245Hの仕様 - オーディオの足跡
デジタル録音に対応する4ウェイモニター4345用に開発された低歪率・高リニアリティ設計の46cmコーン型ウーファーユニット。 SFG磁気回路や頑丈なアルミダイキャストフレームな …
JBL 2245H 8ohms 18" Woofer - Reverb
Here is a JBL 2245H 18" Woofer/Speaker in like new condition. This is a foam edge surround speaker ideal for studio sub-woofer applications. Specifications indicate 8 ohms and 800 Watts …
Used JBL 2245H Subwoofers for Sale | HifiShark.com
Used JBL 2245H Subwoofers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability