2251J...why the no love? - audioheritage.org
2017年2月2日 · All those mentioned are excellent units, and was/is used a lot by JBL in Vertec/VTX, STX, VRX, HLA and Cinema systems. Yes, I am aware. My main question was about the 10" 2251J, and as far as I know it was only used in the HLA4895 and 4348.
understanding midrange? (driver selection)
Those 2453 replaced my desired models of JBL 2" drivers. That's another story. I may outgrow my original ground stack club system concept. I played with the crossover frequencies a bit but they're at 200 and 1.5k now. I acquired a set of 4 JBL 2251 10" mids for future use in an array cab to be built. I also have a set of 2169 8" drivers coming.
JBL 2012H response - audioheritage.org
2004年3月25日 · Thread: JBL 2012H response. Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 03-25-2004, 10:42 PM #1. Mike Bates ...
JBL MIDs / 2169 , 2250 - audioheritage.org
2021年3月27日 · 2169H Thiele-Small parameters are available in JBL's 2012 parameters list (see pic). I'm assuming these numbers are correct, i.e. no typos. As for sensitivity of raw driver, the same table gives efficiency at 1.3%. According to JBL John Eargle's conversion table from efficiency to sensitivity 1.25% = 93 db (1W, 1M, half space loading, piston band).
2251 Variants - Page 2 - audioheritage.org
2012年7月29日 · The 2251J is the Pro driver as you already know. The 2251J-1 is the Consumer equivalent with a frame color change (4348).
2251J vs 2251J-1? - audioheritage.org
2006年6月30日 · From JBL's Synthesis Hercules system description. The SK2100DG: Dual 10-inch 2251J-2 Aquaplas™-coated, pulp-cone woofers with 4" edge-wound voice coils and EPDM rubber surrounds, and utilizing Alnico magnets.
Thread: Which way would you go, what would you build?
2023年9月12日 · I know this flies in the face of those who love the 4345 and it’s just my opinion but in my experience I haven’t been able to make, or ever heard a 10” JBL mid (2122/2123/2251) play low enough with any authority to pair with a 2245. I don’t love 2245’s above 100-120 Hz. Put a good 12” in there and now we’re talking.
2122H substitute for 4345 Clone - audioheritage.org
2017年1月12日 · Thanks for this. I do recall reading this some time ago. At this point I'm torn between an offer to buy a pair of 2122hs with fresh JBL C8R2122H re-cones, a pair of E110s with JBL C8R2122H re-cones, or just buying a pair of 2123Hs. The 2123H route is …
2251 in DIY SK2-1000 - audioheritage.org
2013年4月14日 · Lansing Product Forums (JBL, Altec, LMCo) Lansing Product DIY Forum; 2251 in DIY SK2-1000;
Explain Tad woofers ???? Help. - Page 5
2008年3月29日 · I am actually considering the construction of twin bass cabinets underneath the 2251's...housing TAD 1601c or JBL 1500AL like Merlin used. I could be waiting a long time to find a pair of TAD 2404. Good luck finding the 1601c, probably harder to find than the 2404 which in my opinion is already too hard Better off trying to find b's.