Model 2410 IS a professronal qualrty high frequency compressron driver which provides clear, crrsp, natural reproductton of speech and musrc It .
2410 | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | English
2410 Information. updated: Jul 2019 ... Information Documents: JBL Professional Model Number Listing: updated: Oct 2020 47.3 KB Oct 2020: If any of the links above result in strange characters in your browser, please right-click the file to save it to your computer. Parts & Service. Part Lists; Authorized Service Partner Assets ...
JBL 2410 Specifications - Audio Database
Driver unit with high efficiency, wide bandwidth, and excellent linearity. The diaphragm is made of an aluminum alloy with a thickness of 0.05 mm and is formed by the pneumatic drawing method. The magnetic circuit uses a 44 mm edgewise wound aluminum ribbon voice …
JBL 2410の仕様 - オーディオの足跡
高能率・広帯域、優れた直線性を持つドライバーユニット。 ダイアフラムは厚さ0.05mmのアルミ合金で作られており、ニューマチック・ドローイング法で成形されています。 磁気回路 …
Model 2410 is a professional quality high frequency compression driver which provides clear, crisp, natural repro duction of speech and music. It is ideally suited to high-quality sound reinforcement installations. Its high efficiency and power capacity permit great dynamic range, and its peak-free response
NMX-WP-N2410 | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | 中文 (Chinese)
NMX-WP-N2410 能够处理多个实时 4K60 网络音视流,而无需视频输入或输出连接器,只需使用网络连接。 这是专业音视技术窗口化处理传统方式的根本转变,不仅提升了工作能力与灵活性,还有助于降低安装和支持成本。 凭借 NMX-WP-N2410,用户最多可以将四个高清源一起组合成一个 4K 图像,并以任意配置混合 4K 和高清源。 N2400 系列窗口化处理器是一款 1RU 机架式 4x1 窗口化装置,可连接至 N2400 系列 IP 视频网络,最多可接受来自 AMX N2400 系列编码器的四 …
HIFIDIY论坛-JBL 2301+2410经典小蜂巢并联LE175+2305
2007年10月7日 · 我这里有2对2301小蜂巢,也有3对2410钢磁驱动头与之搭配。 单买小蜂巢是3500元一对,单买2410是4200一对,成套出是7500元一套(一对2301和一对2410)
How dows JBL 2410H-2 horn timber match with D2430K
2022年1月26日 · Anybody that knows how the JBL 2410H-2 horn that is in the JBL SCL-6 matches the D2430K horn that is in JBL M2. As the geometry from the D2 driver seems to be scaled down for this unit I would expect that the 2410H-2 would have more extended HF than the D2 while requiring a higher crossover point than the D2.
JBL 2410 Alnico Vintage 1" HF Driver - Reverb
To sale this vintage Alnico JBL 2410 Hf driver. Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description. Simply report any issues within 7 days and we'll help you get a full refund. Learn more about Reverb Buyer Protection.
JBL 2410钴磁中高音(JBL LE175) - 『胆艺轩器材 ... - Tubebbs
2011年6月19日 · 一、jbl 2410钴磁中高音驱动头,就是jbl le175的专业版本,100%原装,原装jbl太阳边铝膜音圈,16欧,序号4608和4611,阻抗7.7和6.2。 二、极其经典和使用广泛,频响800Hz~15kHz,灵敏度117dB,分频点500Hz以上,16,000gauss。
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