3732 | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | Polish
The 3732 ScreenArray features true three-way system design enhanced for critical film sound reproduction in small to medium cinemas environments
The 3732 ScreenArray Cinema Loudspeaer System features true three-way design enhanced by advanced engineering. JBL’s latest technical innovations are integrated into a system design that provides superior coverage, maximum power handling
JBL 3732T Three-Way ScreenArray Passive Cinema Loudspeaker …
Designed to accurately reproduce digital cinema soundtracks, the passive, tri-amplified JBL Professional 3732T is a 3-way cinema loudspeaker system that provides superior coverage, maximum power handling, and uniform acoustic power output, along with low distortion. The system's wide dynamic range and extended bandwidth reproduce sound exactly ...
JBL 3732 三分频影院主音箱_环球音响网 - pro001.com
3732 screenarray 特点真正三系统设计提高临界膜声音再现中小影院的环境. 特征. 三路输出 screenarray ™设计, 最优覆盖率和最小失真. triamplified ( T )或双路放大操作. 谢谢 ® 批准认证的应用程序( 3732t ) 船舶完全装配. 二代优化孔径波导. 超低失真技术. 一致频率 ...
ScreenArray Systems (3 Way) - JBL Professional
The JBL's three-way ScreenArray speakers consist of the 4732, 3732, 3731 three way systems, available in tri-amplified and bi-amplified versions, and the new 4733 bi-amplified three way system which is combined with the CRF2 reflector horn for use with solid cinema screens such as the SAMSUNG Onyx.
3732_ACE - acehk.com
The 3732 ScreenArray features true three-way system design enhanced for critical film sound reproduction in small to medium cinemas environments. 特点: • 可用于不超过 300 座位的影厅. • 应用了与 4632 一样的先进的技术. • 可以满足各种预算. • 可选择以双功放或三功放驱动
JBL 3732 三分频影院主音箱 - 专业影院音箱 - 广州荣悦达星音响设 …
3732 screenarray特点真正三系统设计提高临界膜声音再现中小影院的环境. 特征. 三路输出screenarray™设计, 最优覆盖率和最小失真. triamplified(T)或双路放大操作. 谢谢®批准认证的应用程序(3732t) 船舶完全装配. 二代优化孔径波导. 超低失真技术. 一致频率响应 ...
JBL 3732 三分频影院主音箱-优尚诚品
产品介绍频率范围为30赫兹- 20千赫 频率响应40赫兹- 19千赫(3分贝) 系统的灵敏度为103 dB,2.83v @米(3.3英尺) 额定最大声压级125分贝@米(3.3英尺),131 dB的峰值3732 screenarray特点真正三系统设计提高临界膜声音再现中小影院的环境特征三路输出screenarray™设计 ...
【JBL3732】JBL 主扩音响中置音响影院扬声器系统 ScreenArray系列 3732 …
JBL三分频银幕线阵列JBL 3732详细信息_产品参数_价格_联系方 …
JBL 三分频银幕线阵列 JBL 3732;频率范围30Hz-20 kHz(-10dB);频率响应40Hz-19 kHz(±3 dB);最大声压级 125dB@1m;阻抗4欧姆;额定功率 LF: 500W,M/HF: 150W, [HF:85W];