4329P Studio Monitor Powered Loudspeaker System - JBL
The 4329P is a completely self-contained amplified loudspeaker system featuring high-resolution streaming audio and prosumer connectivity. Patented JBL acoustic technologies render sound with incredible accuracy and powerful dynamics, while extensive wired and wireless connectivity opens up a world of possibilities for the music lover.
两万元神箱,JBL匠心之作,JBL 4329P有源监听扬声器体验 - 知乎
JBL 4329P作为有源音箱是不需要功放的,插上电就可以直接使用,而且每一对音箱在出场就配对好了,非常方便。 4329P本身支持 蓝牙5.3音频 和 Wi-Fi无线连接 (airplay/Chromecast),令人惊喜的Wi-Fi连接本身是支持5G频段的Wi-Fi连接,要知道很多智能家具设备只是支持2.4g ...
划算,太划算!-北門試聽 JBL 4329P、4305P主動式喇叭 - U …
4329P 採用的是一組 JBL 自家開發,型號為 JBL 2409H 的 1 吋壓縮驅動器作高音,開口是 JBL 引以為傲的先進 HDI(Advanced High-Definition Imaging)號角。 細看這個號角,會發現它的開口四面並非平面,而是有特殊的弧形凸起,故此,原廠稱此號角採用的是「先進 HDI 幾何」,是 JBL 的專利技術。 針對 2kHz~15kHz 的頻段,水平擴散角度為 90 度,垂直擴散角度為 60 度。 低音單體則是一顆 8 吋的紙盆低音,振膜特別加上了波浪狀同心圓立體紋路,藉以加強振膜的剛性, …
B站猫主任那边,中草了4329,去实体店试听了一下,确实非常惊艳。 咸鱼1.22w入手。 日常用wifi投放或者苹果airplay,中低频比较出色,高频缺少惊艳的感觉,但也保证了耐听度,大声压也不燥,蓝牙连接听流行,音质也不错。
JBL 4329P Studio Monitor review - What Hi-Fi?
2024年11月15日 · JBL’s iconic 25mm horn-loaded driver is driven by 50 watts of amplification and fights for your gaze against a 20cm purple pulp paper cone mid/bass (driven by a 250W amplifier) below it, the combination making for a rather imposing-looking speaker, particularly when the woofer-covering grille is removed.
JBL 4329P (review and measurements by Erin)
2019年11月29日 · JBL 4329P Studio Monitor Review. These are studio monitor powered speakers that retail for US$4500/pair. Discuss! --== Links by @SweetChaos ==-- Pretty impressive, except maybe the hole from 800-1000Hz. Probably could be EQ'd. I'd suspect crossover issues, though I didn't look up the specs to verify.
如何评价JBL 4329p音箱? - 知乎
Ecoustics Review: JBL 4329P Powered Loudspeakers
2023年9月12日 · The JBL 4329P are the flagship model in the powered monitor series and there is no question that they deliver excellent build quality, flexibility, and sonic performance.
The JBL 4329P Studio Monitor Powered Loudspeaker is a completely self-contained amplified loudspeaker system featuring high-resolution streaming audio and prosumer connectivity.
JBL 4329P Studio Monitor Speaker Review - Erin's Audio Corner
It comes with an 8-inch mid-woofer, ports, a one-inch compression driver, and a JBL high-definition imaging horn design. The 4329P also includes a remote and an Ethernet cable for linking the pair of speakers together.
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