JBL C53 Libra Loudspeaker Pair c.1950-1970 - Reddish Walnut
Original JBL C53 Libra Loud Speaker Pair in working order. Loud and full sound. Speakers are VERY heavy. Include's original manuals still stapled to the back. May have been floor models? …
JBL C53 Libra (PAIR) 195? Walnut - Reverb
Vintage pair of Lansing C53 Libra speakers. Have the LE14 woofer, LE20 tweeter and LX8 crossovers. Surrounds on the LE14's have been replaced. Cabinets have scuffs and some …
JBL C53 Libra - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
2013年8月17日 · One of them I grabbed was a pair of JBL speakers. On the back it has JBL C53 "Libra". Also it has model LX8. After combing through the posts here and at Lansing Heritage, …
Extraordinary JBL C-53 LIbra Rare 2-Way Speakers - Reverb
Presenting an exceptionally well cared for pair of JBL C-53 Libra's from the early 1960's. They have the LE-14A original woofer, the LE-20 potato masher tweeter and the LX-8 crossovers, …
JBL C53 Libra (Libra / Raibura) specifications - Audio Database
Bookshelf enclosure with a four sided finish. It was designed for the LE14C, but was available for other configurations. There were Walnut oil finish and Ebony finish on the exterior.
JBL C53 Libra(リブラ/ライブラ)の仕様 - オーディオの足跡
4面仕上げが施されたブックシェルフ型エンクロージャー。 LE14C用に設計されていますが、それ以外の構成にも対応していました。 外観はウォルナットのオイル仕上げとエボニー仕上 …
C53 | LIBRA | Pair | WorldWide SHIPPING includes of wood stands.
2023年8月30日 · Its elegant appearance makes the appeal of sound output more than enough. The inside of the enclosure is also in good condition.
JBL Libra C53 + LE14A + LE175 + LX10 ='s S1 system 1960s
2018年2月15日 · Hi, I have a pair of walnut Libra c53 cabinets loaded with LE14A woofers + LE175 horns + LX10 crossovers. Doing research online this seems to be the S1 component …
JBL speaker type C53 Libra - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2003年12月21日 · The only "C53" listed in my 1997 OABB is an enclosure sold from 1968-1978 for $54. Under 'speakers' there is a nothing between the C43 and the C54 Trimline/LE8T. …
Anyone have any info on the JBL c53 Libras?
2011年7月13日 · :yes: LE14A woofer and a LE20 wide range tweet with a LX-8 crossover. Vintage cira 1967. Nice score!