JCI - Cover submissions
Go to Author Information Center | How to prepare your revised manuscript for submission. Authors of accepted research manuscripts are invited to submit an image to be considered for a JCI issue cover. Such submissions are independent of manuscript submission, and selection is at the discretion of the Journal Editors.
JCI - Welcome
2025年3月17日 · On the cover: RNase L restrains regeneration in response to tissue injury. Kirby et al. show that the oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS)/RNase L pathway, which regulates the innate immune response to viral RNA, represses wound healing and epithelial regeneration.
JCI - Submission instructions - first
Submit a manuscript directly to the JCI through your account on the JCI’s submission website. Follow the instructions to either register for an account or access your existing account. Click the button below to open the submission site.
JCI Insight - Welcome
The cover image is an electron micrograph of a genetically engineered snap-frozen CaCo2 cell model, displaying ectopic microvillus arrays alongside associated endomembrane organelle accumulations. The model mimics the subcellular characteristics of enterocytes observed in patients affected by the rare genetic disorder osteo-oto-hepato-enteric ...
Journal of Clinical Investigation:顶级期刊,发文量稳定,国人 …
Journal of Clinical Investigation(JCI) 是一本医学:研究与实验方向的期刊,创刊于1924年,由The American Society for Clinical Investigation出版。 期刊现任主编是来自美国西北大学的 Elizabeth M. McNally 教授。 期刊ISSN号:0021-9738,EISSN号:1558-8238。 最新影响因子为19.456分。 JCI在 中科院分区 (最新升级版):大类学科-医学:1区;小类学科:医学:研究与实验1区;是Top期刊,非综述期刊。 在中科院分区(基础版):大类学科-医学:1区;小类学 …
JCI Insight - Submission instructions - revised ms
Navigate to view complete instructions for each manuscript category. Figure legends may be single spaced if necessary to keep a figure and its legend on the same page.
解刊 | 《JCI insight》 - 知乎专栏
JCI insight创刊于2016年,并被 PubMed 和Web of Science核心收录,今年获得首个影响因子6.014分,主要接收 肿瘤学 、 免疫学 、 神经科学 、 胃肠病学 、 血管生物学 、 肾脏病学 、 肺脏病学 等诸多生物医学方向的文章,侧重于临床。
什么是期刊JCR、JIF、JCI,有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
JCR中文全称为 期刊引证报告 (Journal Citation Reports,简称 JCR ),是由美国 ISI公司 出版(ISI后被 科睿维安 收购,其最重要的平台为Web of science),依据期刊相互引用情形编制的书目计量分析统计报告,是期刊评价、排名、分类及比较的量化工具,所以它包含的内容经过48年的发展已经非常丰富。 JCR的全部内容包含以下指标: 除了上面最重要的11个部分外,JCR还有一些其他的指标: Total Cites — 总被引频次,即该期刊自创刊以来所刊登的全部论文在统计当 …
JCI Insight - Cover submissions
Authors of accepted research manuscripts are invited to submit an image to be considered for a JCI Insight issue cover. Such submissions are independent of manuscript submission, and selection is at the discretion of the Journal Editors.
JCI - Author Information Center
Authors of accepted research manuscripts are invited to submit an image to be considered for a JCI issue cover. Such submissions are independent of manuscript submission, and selection is at the discretion of the Journal Editors. Click here for details. Video abstract (optional)