JCI - Cover submissions
Go to Author Information Center | How to prepare your revised manuscript for submission. Authors of accepted research manuscripts are invited to submit an image to be considered for a JCI issue cover. Such submissions are independent of manuscript submission, and selection is at the discretion of the Journal Editors.
JCI Insight - Cover submissions
Authors of accepted research manuscripts are invited to submit an image to be considered for a JCI Insight issue cover. Such submissions are independent of manuscript submission, and selection is at the discretion of the Journal Editors.
JCI - Author Information Center
Readers across a wide range of medical disciplines and sectors; basic and phase I/II clinical research articles in all biomedical specialties, including Immunology, Metabolism, Neuroscience, Oncology, Vascular biology, and many others. Open access. Beginning with the January 4, 2022, issue, all content is freely available to the public.
JCI - Submission instructions - first
Submit a manuscript directly to the JCI through your account on the JCI’s submission website. Follow the instructions to either register for an account or access your existing account. Click the button below to open the submission site.
SCI 投稿加分必备:投稿信Cover Letter的标准写法!(附模板)
当你辛辛苦苦完成论文手稿并选好了具体的目标期刊时,你在投稿前还需要完成一件非常重要的事情,那就是写投稿信(Cover Letter)。 一封条理清晰的Cover Letter可以简明扼要地描述你研究的重要性和新颖性,以及该研…
Journal of Clinical Investigation:顶级期刊,发文量稳定,国人 …
JCI在 中科院分区 (最新升级版):大类学科-医学:1区;小类学科:医学:研究与实验1区;是Top期刊,非综述期刊。 在中科院分区(基础版):大类学科-医学:1区;小类学科:医学:研究与实验1区;是Top期刊,非综述期刊。
JCI Insight - Submission instructions - first ms
Submit a manuscript directly to JCI Insight through your account on the submission website. Follow the instructions to either register for an account or access your existing account. Click the button below to open the submission site.
JCI Insight - Submission instructions - revised ms
Navigate to view complete instructions for each manuscript category. Figure legends may be single spaced if necessary to keep a figure and its legend on the same page.
Tobi Kuti (@tobikuti_) • Instagram photos and videos
The dynamic 2025 President, JCIN. Amb. Tobi Kuti, chaired and charged the newly constituted Executive Members, Board of Directors and the General Assembly for excellence.
The JCI reaches readers across a wide range of medical disciplines and sectors. The journal publishes basic and phase I/II clinical research submissions in all biomedical specialties, including Autoimmunity, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Metabolism, Nephrology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Pulmonology, Vascular Biology, and many others.