Advanced Field Equipment Controllers (FACs) - Johnson Controls
Our FAC Series Advanced Field Equipment Controllers feature a real-time clock and support time-based tasks – enabling them to monitor and control schedules, calendars, alarms, and trends …
The FAC2611 Advanced Application Field Equipment Controller (FAC) is part of the Metasys® system Field Equipment Controller family. The FAC26 Series controllers run pre-engineered and user-programmed applications and provide the inputs and outputs required to monitor and control a wide variety of HVAC equipment.
2019年9月24日 · The DX-FAC-Adapter is a functional replacement for the DX-9100-8454 Series Extended Digital Controller. The adaptor comes with either the MS-FAC3611-0 or MS-FAC3613-0 Advanced Application Field Equipment Controller.
2019年3月6日 · Advanced Application Field Equipment Controller (FAC) FAC Series Controllers support selectable BACnet or N2 field bus networking protocols. FAC Series Controllers feature an integral real-time clock and support time-based tasks, which lets these field controllers monitor and control schedules, calendars, alarms, and trends.
FAC – Advanced Field Equipment Controller | Johnson Controls
Our FAC Series Advanced Field Equipment Controllers feature a real-time clock and support time-based tasks – enabling them to monitor and control schedules, calendars, alarms, and trends …
Metasys®系列现场控制器 – Metasys®楼宇自控系统 | Johnson Controls
本系列现场设备控制器包括FAC、FEC 、输入/输出模块 IOM 和一体化变风量控制器 VMA 16和VMA1832系列控制器,均可集成到基于Web的 Metasys® 系统。
View and Download Johnson Controls FAC3613 installation manual online. Advanced Application Field Equipment Controller. FAC3613 controller pdf manual download. Also for: Fac36 series.
The Advanced Application Field Equipment Controller (FAC) Series Controllers are programmable controllers that can communicate using BACnet/IP, MS/TP, or N2 communications protocols, depending on the model.
The Advanced Field Equipment Controller (FAC) and Input/Output Module (IOM) control panel is a pre-wired, preassembled standard control panel and enclosure that contains FAC and IOM digital controllers.
Johnson Controls - 江森自控中国 | 江森自控
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